Looking to the community for assistance

Short rant and then I will get to my point: Sometimes I feel like I am the only Playstation player left playing this game T-T

Now that I got that out, I was wondering if there is any groups or persons willing to help me 100% this game, I am about 70% but I mostly harvest and sell items. So I could def use with at some point meeting up with some players and knocking some things off the to do list.

Don’t get me wrong I understand I need to do most of this journey myself, but at the same time I recognize this is a community based game and after being gone 2 years I am hoping the community will be just as welcoming as it was back then.

I will pay for any help (especially with centrafordge stuff UGH) but alsomay need help hunting some metoroites on higher tier worlds etc.

Anything anyone could do would be welcomed!

EDIT: Footfall, if anyone could visit my Oorstone Bank at the DKmall whenever possible that would be a HUGE help! I put “decent” free stuff up throughout the day and sell Oorstone/Shards at fair prices! WIP before it becomes full functioning oorstone shop, but really hope I can contribute to the community Oorstone market!!


Just wanted to say that there are quite a bit of PlayStation players still playing. I am one of them and I know quite a few.

I’m not too sure what it is you need help for, but if you could be more specific about what your to-do list is, it would probably be easier for people to help you out


I am a Playstation Player too ,

What kind of Help do you need? Like @PrincessMaude Said make a to do list so IT will be easier.


D: I’m a PlayStation Player since Release what’s your to do list. Boop


I’m PlayStation too, and Mac


:wink:PlayStation to :grin:

Welcome back

First of like the others said a more detailed list would be more helpful.

As for meteor hunting there are a few groups that organize group hunts. If that is any help :wink:
They usually announce the time and place on discord.
Some times also ingame and on the forum (that said discord is more accurate).


Not sure you can 100% it. There’s stuff related to tier planets that don’t exist (or there used to be, not sure if exo’s & sovereigns fixed it)

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playing since relase too,

Hunts are several which time Zone are you @TheDarkCrucible ?

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Also ps player. Come to river towns on arie, i buy the most of the items, and when you need any help we can help you😃


The steam numbers don’t show the Playstation players :wink:

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Hello I be a ps4 player

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PlayStation, mac, and pc here : ) ive been on hiatus for a month or so but hit me up and I can teach you to forge well enough


We dont have all the planet types/levels required for this and we have a bugged item that only Ovis has which you need to get one of the achievements.

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PS4 player myself

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Pc and PS4 here.

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Sounds like an achievement party needs to be arranged!


what is 100% a game?

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To “100% a game” means to get all achievements or, in the case of the PS platform, all the trophies. On PS sometimes this gets called “getting platinum”, since PS games give a “platinum” trophy when you get all achievements in a game.

In Boundless, there are a handful of achievements that are not possible to get, so you can’t 100% it.


Does @Ovis has the bombs for getting the great replunisher ( o think its called in english)??

If yes or somebody ealse has sich a bomb which IS working in would like to do this tobget the achievment too .

IT would be nice if somebody could Help with IT .

Let me know what you get for that . If i would get such a bomb i would do an Event of IT so more people can have this achievment.

Greetings Turrican

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@Ovis is this true you have the bombs for that achievment how much for 10 uses boop

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