Short rant and then I will get to my point: Sometimes I feel like I am the only Playstation player left playing this game T-T
Now that I got that out, I was wondering if there is any groups or persons willing to help me 100% this game, I am about 70% but I mostly harvest and sell items. So I could def use with at some point meeting up with some players and knocking some things off the to do list.
Don’t get me wrong I understand I need to do most of this journey myself, but at the same time I recognize this is a community based game and after being gone 2 years I am hoping the community will be just as welcoming as it was back then.
I will pay for any help (especially with centrafordge stuff UGH) but alsomay need help hunting some metoroites on higher tier worlds etc.
Anything anyone could do would be welcomed!
EDIT: Footfall, if anyone could visit my Oorstone Bank at the DKmall whenever possible that would be a HUGE help! I put “decent” free stuff up throughout the day and sell Oorstone/Shards at fair prices! WIP before it becomes full functioning oorstone shop, but really hope I can contribute to the community Oorstone market!!
Just wanted to say that there are quite a bit of PlayStation players still playing. I am one of them and I know quite a few.
I’m not too sure what it is you need help for, but if you could be more specific about what your to-do list is, it would probably be easier for people to help you out
First of like the others said a more detailed list would be more helpful.
As for meteor hunting there are a few groups that organize group hunts. If that is any help
They usually announce the time and place on discord.
Some times also ingame and on the forum (that said discord is more accurate).
To “100% a game” means to get all achievements or, in the case of the PS platform, all the trophies. On PS sometimes this gets called “getting platinum”, since PS games give a “platinum” trophy when you get all achievements in a game.
In Boundless, there are a handful of achievements that are not possible to get, so you can’t 100% it.