Loot Bag (fun idea)

I am often quite full when working on projects, but I still kill creatures. Others might be familiar with this situation and a common problem that arises; usually you are left with very few inventory slots and you’d like to carry some of the creature loot away but this would take many awkward back-and-forths, so in the end, no point in bothering…

This problem could be solved with one simple new item: A loot bagTM

The loot bagTM would be an item that you keep in your inventory, and what it does, is it picks up any creature drops, smart stacking any creature drops it can, with itself, effectively creating a “creature loot” smart-stack.

The disadvantage of the bag is that it takes up one slot in the smart-stack too, and it also means that it won’t pick up a wide variety of, let’s say, several different eyes, so you might still need more than one bag if you’re killing a variety of creatures… :man_shrugging: But it might be better than only having enough room to pick up blood or only pick up bones.

Anyway, it was fun to think about how it might work. :stuck_out_tongue:

And here’s a quick concept thingy I made for it just now:


I want 10 of them…

Production isn’t in motion yet, patent pending, I’m afraid. :cry:

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after reading this idea, and writing a suggestion of my own later about gear etc. i think there might be a neat way to do this kind of concept but instead as some sort of “Belt” item.

Think of a belt of pouches. they add extra inventory slots, BUT only of specific types. you make a mining belt, it adds slots where ores, coal, gems etc. can go and only those can go. Make a tool belt? can fit stacks of hammer, shovel, axe, spanner, and chisel. Weapon belt? bombs, slingbows and augments galore. “butcher belt” (trademark pending :wink:) picks up all the critter drops from hunts etc.

and as many more of these as we have possible groups of items. you wear one based on what you want to have with you or bring back.

Simple belts tied to sackcloth, give you only a few slots. maybe 2, top end belt uses hard leather and rarer stuff, maybe gems for belt buckle etc. can give you 6 to 8 slots. would help with a lot of inventory stuff (admittedly i do think our current inventory is much nicer than the broken up style from EA) but not be so powerful since each one is specific to a purpose.

could be a neat way to add some new stuff :smiley: also, belts are good for holding pants up!