LORE: News from AXON regarding the Emblem/Logo of the nation and of our military brothers and sisters of the SPQR

I’m confused. Are people actually fighting over who gets dibs on an emoji?

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…as I was trying to explain, exactly!

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this however is legally copyrighted…


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I may have missed one of your lore posts, what does SPQR stand for? Speaking of lore, what did they figure out about those crazy black trees popping up on every planet? Don’t leave me hanging kras! Haha

I agree, your grandson has some talent for sure!!!

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The monoliths? The Axon Science Ministry is still researching them and their purpose. They are apparently ancient made of materials similar to materials we have BUT cliser examination shows this is False and that the materials used to construct are of unknown origin … they seem to draw energy from the worlds they are on…and it seems to be directed out into space… to where? Why? Etc. All unanswered questions…

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Still haven’t figured it out yet eh? Ah okay.

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The Axon Science Ministry has a great team working to unlock the mystery of the Monoliths. They are being discoveref on different planets…most recently on planet Till after a lava quake…

Oh man, if till had lava quakes in game that’d be wild!

Well Biitula does have an active volcano… careful what you wish for lol

An 8 point star, huh? That’s neat!

Well. Maybe not ALL, but they do look pretty good in-game. Is this lore your own headcanon, or loosely based on warhammer40k 8 point stars? There are some great fine-art examples out there to draw inspiration from!(My own avatar as a relevant example) Friendly word of caution though, some of the artwork is probably not appropriate for 6 year olds.

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The Axon scientists got pulled away to solve another puzzle first, something with compactors or some such!


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Got bored at 2:30 AM:

Wound up at wikipedia via google. I probably should have just gone to bed.


…they appeared on Biitula out if no where… they ARE Oortian though… they say they are from an alternate reality…and interestingly enough they do have what they call a senate… coincidence? Or something else?

The team working on that has bern promoted for their successful accomplishments… still finishing things up, crossing their T’s, dotting their I’s and such.


Irony :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Well that is what they are doing in their progress report to the city council… some of them are “punctuation warriors”… lol … in any case there is still valuable work remaining.