Lost Cooked Meat

I’ve lost a lot of cooked meat, I do not know if I drop it to floor or missing in my inventory.
Can you help me?.

To drop something you need to right-click on the object and click on the appearing “DROP” button. If you have not seen or done this, it’s most likely still in your inventory (under the assumption you did not use it, yet).

Look into your smart stacks. Meat stacks with a lot of other items. It’s most likely it’s in a smart stack with “Tallow” or “Bone”.

Thanks for your note, but I do not have it in my inventory or smart stacks, I had 100 cooked meat, approximately.
At some point they have been lost, I do not know how, I will be more careful now.

About a week ago I lost a stack of 3 iron shovels and then a stack of 9 iron hammers while trying to equip them. I just placed them In the hot bar and then poof gone. This all hapend within a five minute period. This has never happened before or since.

Thanks Jeffrotheswell, That same thing happened to me with the cooked meat. It was the only time.

When the bug occurred, were the items part of a smart stack?

I’ve had a 99 stack of copper vanish before. Likewise no problems before or after but worth mentioning to validate your claims @Jeffrotheswell @Betulix

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yes all smart stacked.

Yes, me also at smart starck .