Lost Portal shards - live build

Is it possible to refund/return them?

The incident - i was playing with Toxip And Kellesk this week (live build) i do not know their @ tag in forum or even if they are here but they are on discord so you can speak with them if needed.

KEK (kelleske) left the game today and gave me his tower and i mean GAVE - nice of him.

I checked things out, asked him whats what - got to what are these portal things? and i personally figured they power his portal to therka (which has just under 5 wks left) I had then in my inventory (99.9% sure i did) and i would not have traded for anyone/anything.

Steam kicked me for the restart.

Logged back on, went to lay the Portal Conduits at my place (my main house not tower), the white block things - went to power it (KEK said i should have enough for another 5 wks before he quit proper - this was before the issue) found out i dont have them in my inventory - they are not in any storage block/workstation etc - i would not have dropped them or anything and there is no way KEK (kelleske) could have taken them.

They are still missing

and as a P.s

After i took the shards (whatever they are called) i opened the door to go outside - got trapped in the door (no-clip) and had to teleport - i wonder if this is part of the issue?

found out its not as big a deal as i thought (even if they are gone) because i have been told in game that there are very good creatures on Aritunk that give loads - all i have to do is refine them somehow? - and as said i do still have another 5 ish weeks on the portal so

But if it is a bug - its a very meh one lol

When you said “Steam kicked me for the restart”, was it as a result of you doing anything in particular?

lol i mean me and a freind got booted when steam had to restart in general and i was thinking if this was part of the issue but since i have found out how easy oort farming is it does not really matter lol (consider the OP a nub-freak :stuck_out_tongue: )

Oh and when i say easy i mean its not that easy ofc - don’t make it harder to farm :wink: because i said that lol