Lots of hammers, mostly speedy ones, for sale at Original Forgeries at Nova Golda Market!

But it would be a market stall at a market which is connected to the same portal network???

I know you didn’t, just thought you seemed to forget that NG is TNT’s Trung portal :wink:

Ohw i know you izz :wink: how do you think i come spy :kissing_heart:

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Watch it people, we have a spy in our midst! They speak in tongues as well, gobbliegook like “kom naar mijn plekkie, niet naar die van haar!” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: And of course I have no idea what that stuff means!!!

Ehhhh, wait… nevermind :joy:

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:wink: hihi :eyes:
[10 something]

Haven’t had a chance to get to your shop yet. Still have a few speed hammers left?


Nope, all gone! Will have some more tomorrow tho! WIll post here…

Can keep a few behind for you if you want?

I added some more yesterday but forgot to post about them and they were gone when I thought of it, haha, but there are some more now!