Love Is In The Air!

Ahhh ty. Must try to get at least one! lol

Hearts are used to craft this event’s seasonal items like the oorty doll, balloons, pillars, flower vase, and etc. You get the hearts by trading flower bouquets with people. You craft the bouquets using a table (look in knowledge tab to know recipe) :smiley:

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I see, thank you. Guess I will stop farming and go make stuff!

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you will need to harvest flowers to make the bouquet

Haha yeah I should have looked into this before, was wondering why I sold a lot of flowers yesterday! Luckily I still had plenty. This is a nice event. Not feeling well again so standing still to trade is very nice.

You can hand craft them as well , the bouquets :wink::grin:

Thank you all for all the help :blush: Only thing I don’t see in knowledge tab is the doll.

make sure you dont have the “able to craft” filter set… and search for Cherished Oorty

Still not finding it, but not sure I have actually looked at any even in a shop. Does that make a difference?

he didn’t show up for me under seasonal, just by typing oorty.

Here are the required items.

Screenshot 2021-02-08 071348

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Thank you, it showed up fine right after you posted the picture of course lol

More group shots from just a bit ago, Citizens gathering in TNT every time I’ve been through today! :grin: :+1:


So this is a thing, currently? :thinking:
So this is currently a thing?? :face_with_monocle:

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Sorry I missed this earlier
I was busy watching the puppy bowl


A couple shots from a current exchange going on in the beautiful Grandeur on Sochaltin I! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well, at least they don’t need to change the icon on the Boundless discord for a few weeks, it still has the lovestruck theme from last year…


Wonderstruck is always lovestruck


was a really nice turn out in Grandeur tonight :smiley:


Anyone still trading? Missed the grandeur one because it was too late for me :frowning: