Lucent exo spawn timer


we have now 2 x T6 exo, 2 x T5 exo, all 4 without a single exo exclusive color

RIFT exo expired 3 days ago, we should have BLINK EXO spawned during last 30 hours

please make it spawn :smiley:

im sure we always had lucent exo spawned 12-24 hours max after expiring previous lucent

BLINK exo is most wanted still due to white sedi rocks and white twisted trunks :slight_smile:


And With it being a blink Exo add White Rock :joy::joy::joy: :cookie:


I am under the impression the colors are randomized. However, I suppose someone could “make” a color spawn since 249 removes any color rarity. How boring…


still counting…

where is BLINK exo?

its been this way since start of year soemtimes the post is one time sometimes its a day after i am already on the planet finding it on my own i even posted one time that the planet was up and there was no post very fast after that the post was up .


it looks like you have an error in lucent spawning mechanics?

last 3 lucent - umbris, rift, umbris again, where is blink?