Lunai Trailer shop!

A brand new shop that visits cities on alder! If you want it to be in your city, clear out a place next to the main hub, pm me the coords, and I’ll come! It’ll link to my shop that will visit and go out weekly!
Exo gleam (price scaled to how long ago it was)
500 Oort Shard
Based off______________

A build from early access that was a moving shop.
-1021 N . 691 E . alt: 60
Come and join in the exo gleam buying palooza
How to request__________

Request what you’d like by PMing me what you want and I’ll try as hard as possible to gain what you want. No orders above:

-forged tools above a SS (or rank 150)
-Gleam orders above a smart stack (or an inactive exo)
-Normal refined block orders above 100
-Oortstone/oort shards

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