Machine upgrade vs coils

O it’s maxed out power not literally the amount of coils

Only if they do four times the damage.


Could always put glass panes up front, so they arent hidden away.

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like Doofinshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb. not deadly but bugs people all th etime


Oooooooh! I spent way too long trying to figure that one out.

You can also shop instead of build and craft everything… Anyway upgrades would be cool :slight_smile:

wait … we have to repair the coils?


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Ah a man of culture

I dunno is this sarcastic comment Or not but When you repair the machine… It repairs all the coils too


work on the assumption that sometimes … juuuuuuuust sometimes … people don’t know things …

((( this was a sarcastic comment :wink: )))


Is there any way that there is a way forward with options gor all that doesn’t imply punishment for choosing one over another?

All im seeing is a topic where that hasnt been found yet sadly. We seem to be on the right path but not at the victory marker.

I would love options for coils and adv. Machines but its hard for me to imagine an option yet where i dont also see i made a problem.

It seems like that’s really down to perspective as opposed to facts or logic (which unfortunately means there’s never going to be a catch-all solution). I doesn’t actually imply punishment, although obviously some people are inferring it here.

An alternative, equally valid perspective: If a change was made to so that you could stack coils in a slot inside a machine, then people have the choice of how they whether they are used as decorations or not (more options is good).

In this scenario, you could argue it’s a BONUS to be able to use them as a decoration and still have them function, because everything else doesn’t have a function when used as a decoration. You can actually decorate your workshop how you want and not have to buy a whole second set of coils to stick in your machine.

I do someting like that with 4x1 machines that maxes out at 17 coils each machine–it’s in my shop in DKMall spot D49. yes I’m advertising–there’s also a slide in the shop but you have to walk back up the stairs yourself at the moment.