Machines eat ressources

I just submitted a log in-game.
Charcter names Xaviien and Erroll.

Set up 6 or 7 mass crafts of Fresh and Ancient Vital Essence before bed, and when I logged in the machine had hit 0 condition.

Not 100% sure I lost any of the completed items, as I don’t make notes on exactly what I leave in my queues, but thought the log might help anyway if there is an ongoing issue.

Does the machine continue crafting after you had repaired it?

Guess my issues back lol. Thats almost identical to the situation i was in. I just decided to move on from it as the bug seems very well hidden. I just make sure the wear in the craft queue never exceeds machine condition. I will saw however i messed up last week on an a backup extractor with 10 coils and it didnt happen. Not sure if machines having max coils is triggering it as i know all annixas machines are maxed, as are my other extractors

No, nothing new appeared anywhere (Queue, output or inventory) after repairing the machine, which is what lead me to believe there may have been something missing.
The chances of a machine hitting 0 durability at the exact moment it finished crafting a stack seem incredibly slim.

It also got me thinking though, is it expected behaviour to lose everything if the machine breaks down during crafting? Maybe it’s the penalty for not performing routine maintenance?

I definitely didn’t lose the majority of what I was crafting, as I had enough Vital Essences to move forward with the Enriched Bonding Agent I was aiming for, so it would have just been whatever was queued to be crafted after the point where the Extractor hit 0 durability.

Xaviien: Log 1 -

Erroll: Log 2 -

I first logged in with Xaviien, noticed the machine broken, so repaired it.
I then relogged as Erroll, as this was the character which had originally queued the Vital Essences.
I have attached both log files above in case it helps. It looks like the first one is virtually empty though, so probably not useful.

Wow that sucks. I’ve done his before but luckily it put it in the last two slots in the machines storage. I was like ■■■■ I’m full and I thought the machine was full so where would it go.