Make 26,000 coins p/h as a NEW PLAYER?! - New Video

There are similar flat areas in Alder that would work the same. The stripes are orange and green though :slight_smile:

The city of Platinum is build next to one such area. I swear I remember others when I mapped out an atlas for the whole silly planet, but it all became a blur :laughing:

I was beginning to think that Alder was all hills made of rock and any plants were the flowers that were just that, flowers. Desperately needed wood for fuel so went there as it is my starter planet. Where we spawned was all hills, rock and some small tree spots, but not a lot of trees, the two pants that give yams and the fibrous and inky leaves are few and far between. The tall pink grass hides lot of holes that I had to dig my way out three times. In two hours I got 34 strarberries, 105 yams, 9 lambella, 14 spicy beans, 110 sap, 2 purple petals, which I have no idea of what they are for, 94 flint, 41 ink leaves and 94 fibrous leaves, 475 lustrous trunks 535 twisted trunks, 5 opals and 10 flint. Since I am only level 20 now I didn’t give up any of my skills, do know I have two in luck and four in the last one but don’t remember the rest. I used up four copper hammers, one copper shovel, four copper axes.
The swamp area gives has some good plants, the round ones rossa (?) and the sword ones you can find in sandy setting, loved getting the sand for the glass I want to make, didn’t think to count them, got that as I dug my way out a couple times. Fair amount of trees in the swamp area along with those plants. You can find the swords in sandy areas mainly, but those are few and far between. I think a lot depends on where you land when you spawn. Get lucky and have a flat area where you can see the holes, see the needed plants and they are in plenty you can get a lot fast. Spawn in the mountainous region and you will find plenty of rock, some trees, some coal and get a good enough blend of other to do okay at the start until you can move to a new planet. Which is what we did.

My guess a person’s level is a huge factor in how much you get and how long your tools last.