Making Bomb Charges and Buckets of Water

For something different to make I made 50 buckets one day and put them on a shelf as I didn’t know what to do with them. I went looking for recipes to make one day that I hadn’t made and saw some that required a bucket of water. So, I figured perhaps I needed to take the buckets and go get in water. I took them and went into a lake. I got out and checked my inventory. I now had 24 empty buckets and 26 buckets of milk. :rofl: How I got milk I have no idea. How to get water? No clue. What to do with milk? Haven’t taken the time to look yet and it’s sitting on the shelf. So what do I do to get water? Last I checked the Knowledge section doesn’t answer that.

I then decided to make some bombs to play with since the recipe doesn’t include power. Looks easy except each recipe requires a bomb charge or something like that which I didn’t find in the knowledge. How do I make those?

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free milk! haha thats so weird.
anyways just put a stack of buckets in one of your hands and click on some water, you can be standing on the shore. all of the buckets will fill with one click. (even 900 so be careful how many you want/need :stuck_out_tongue: )

Bomb charges are made with volatile blood, saltpetre and flint

If you want to play around with some bombs, I can give you some Iron Bombs. I do have them in my shop at Aquatopia for pretty cheap but I am willing to give you some for free. I just want to get rid of them cause I accidentally made way too many Iron Bombs.

Which machine is used to make bomb charges?

I would love to know how I ended up with 26 milk buckets and 24 empty buckets wandering into a lake with 50 empty buckets in my inventory. lol I wonder if trying it again would make more milk? Oh well… free Vitamin D from Milk Lake I guess. I need to find some recipes for milk now. I’ll whip up a bunch more buckets and go collect some water. Thanks for the info how to do it!

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I guess I have lots of material for bomb charges and bombs… maybe over 1000 bombs? lol I’ll make some and that way get credit for another recipe made on each of my characters. I tend to have a lot more materials than I know what to do with which is why I keep looking through recipes to find uses for things. Thanks for the offer of bombs though! :clap:

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Jesus 2018. :joy:

Yes, perhaps I need to start a new Oortian religion as I have the apparent ability to turn water into milk in my inventory. lol Maybe there’s some sort of milk gland in that lake!

If a recipe doesn’t show up in your in-game knowledge tab, It’s because you are lacking a skill needed to make it. They won’t show up until you can actually craft them. For these I’d refer you to, There you can check what you need including which skills (for most items)

I knew that, but, was puzzled. Bombs show up needing the bomb charge. Since the bomb charge is a necessary ingredient of the bomb itself which does show up then I would assume I have the skill to make the charge. If I don’t have the skill to make the charge, I shouldn’t have the skill to make the bomb that uses the charge. That’s why I asked. lol

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They’re made in the workbench. not sure what skills you need though

The Knowledge Base says you need Common Item Recipes for a Bomb Charge.

Ingredients are Saltpeter, Volatile Blood and Flint

Rules of the Bomb

Not all bombs are made equal.
Gravel sucks.
Never equip the bomb until you leave your T1 house :frowning:
Never Bomb at your feet.