Map Marker Madness

So I was just checking this article: Could we get an Auction house allready...please? :)

It got me thinking about how to find such a place.

  1. World Scanner Machine - This machine would provide lists of settlements, auction houses, or other places of interest for each world. Worlds would be unlocked for scanning by inserting a completed atlas into the machine.

  2. More atlas augments - Inserting certain objects into the atlas would allow a player to find shop stands or request baskets, which would appear in spots like resources. Could also use oort shards to find portals.

Guess that’s all I got right now :hugs:


Hmh, that makes me want to put a shop stand or basekt in an Atlas…

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That actually could be a thing, but then you would get huge hotspots that are actually player storage!

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Perhaps we can get some upgraded storage so we don’t have to use shop stands as storage for large amounts of items. Then a shop stand in an atlas would work.


I was thinking like this.

What if there was prestige given to shops that were active and sold on a regular basis and kept stock up? Say like you have an area with 100 shops 55 do business others are less active so you would take footfall divided by sales grossed and calculate the top 10 on prestige list. It would be like a settlement all the shops in that planet would show on the store active prestige list. This would do 2 things 1 make people who want to run stores have a goal besides sales and or footfall 2 Customers would see these stores are active and know to go there as compared to an inactive store. I would assume all that information is available already so it would just be making another tab on planet info.

I agree that this would be really useful, but I can’t imagine it playing out in a way that didn’t make it harder for new or smaller shops to make sales. Everyone would head to the top 10 list by default and those sellers would consequently stay in the top 10 unless they closed down or slowed sales.

I do like OP’s idea of dropping a request basket on an at atlas to find them, though. I’d like it even more if I could put something in that request basket, then pop the whole thing on an atlas, and find out where the heck to sell or buy a specific item. That would add a whole new level of usefulness. I might actually be motivated to complete an atlas lol.

I disagree, People (most) are competitive and would look at the top ten on each planet as a goal not a deterrent at least i wouldnt see it as a deterrent. This is more for the customer and a perk for the seller win win. I almost quit playing Boundless because I would farm for hours and then I would have to spend double the time going through hundreds of stores and so called shops to sell. I was like "Im never gonna make any money in this game!’ So yeah something needs to be done thats why I came up with this solution.

Ok, but if I’m a new seller, how am I going to get customers to come to my store when they’re all looking at a list of 10 other stores who probably sell the same item before they consider looking elsewhere? I understand the concept from a customer’s point of view completely.

EDIT: I see the confusion. I meant seller as in new shopkeeper, not someone trying to sell goods to request baskets lol.

Well lets take your argument for a second. We already have settlement rankings YET I still see people building their own cities and not just sitting on their laurels because they arent in the top 5. I think you underestimate human will and its need to be and get better. Im not confused I know what you are saying I think you are talking about the people who wouldnt want to run a store anyway and of course there will be those who throw up their hands. Its ok though we can agree to disagree its fine. Im up for listening to any and all ideas if you wanna throw some out there I just know theres a problem.