I’m putting this as a suggestion but I think it should go in Support because this sounds more like a bug. If it’s intended, it’s straight-up not acceptable.
Apparently, marble cannot be spray-painted.
It’s a block made out of refined stones. It takes its color from refined stones. It needs to be spray-paintable.
Making a specific spray-paint color out of goo is already difficult when you need several passes of color mutation, but if the spray-paint cans are only able to be used on a dozen of blocks, it’s worthless.
Spray-paint is currently a laughable feature. You can barely spray-paint anything. Lots of items should by all account be spray-paintable, but aren’t. Does anyone has a good reason for marble/mosaic/refined gravel not being spray-paintable?
The only one that bugs me is that I can paint the decorative gravel.
I’d hardly call it laughable though… I’ve made thousands of shadow cerulean and shadow fuchsia blocks, 2 colours I’ve sorely wanted to get my hands on since the gleambow event, and I’ve hardly dented my goo kernel supply. Admittedly I’ve been quite addicted to the whole goo thing since it came out though.
I think it’s just an oversight that Marble isn’t spray-tintable. Anything that gets it’s tint, from a material that is also spray-tintable, should also be spray-tintable.
I was legit expecting an answer like “this is intended and we have reason X for not wanting to change it”, which made me write a quite harsh OP.
Sorry for that.
Well, aside from Marble, Mosaic and Refined gravel, I would suggest all the stone objects like boulder chips, boulder rings, beanstalk boulders, etc :
These are stone based, after-all.
I did mention this ages ago, in Farming testing in response to you asking “Anything else?” there too.
Mosaic, marble, refined gravel and wicker?
I understand that not being able to spray them may have to do with making them keep their value for their tint, though it won’t be any different from spraying 45 refined rock instead of spraying 50 finished mosaic, except I’ll have to use 5 more spray cans if I want to spray the finished result. The end result is the same.