MEGA THREAD: Luck Attribute Testing RELEASE 188]

Thnx Samski.

I didn’t know luck doesn’t work on diamonds willcrunchy. Thnx for the info. I wander if that is design or a bug.

I am three skill ups away from Max luck and I have been doing alright. I’m on Andueem mining diamonds. I have gotten around 1-2 gems on average per block. Hard coal I have been getting 2-3 and that was before I upgraded my luck twice now I still get about the same hard to tell though haven’t run into hard coal much. Man…I wish diamond was on a tier 3 planet without max luck its slow going. I have like 50 out of the 160 gems I need, (for spanner +15 power coils) so I can make gem tools.
When I was mining Ruby’s on vulpto just to try it out I got like 77 in no time (likely because it’s a tier 3 planet).

:joy: I guess that’s my new nickname…

Well @Zina, luck would work, its just the way that probabilities for extra drops works. For gems, you are guaranteed a drop of one rough gem no matter the world rank. From there, there is a 50% base chance for another to drop, but only on a world with rank 2 (home worlds are rank 0, moon worlds are rank 1, ring worlds are rank 2) and there is then a 30% chance for another to drop. Since diamonds are found on a world with rank 1, there can be no extra drops, the only drop you can get is guaranteed to drop, so luck has no effect.

TL;DR - If diamonds spawned on a world with rank 2 (a ring world), luck would work.


#willcrunchy :rofl: