Memory leak

Hello, from the launch day i am experiencing memory leak. When i am playing in window mode and minimalize game or switch any other window above it and turn it maximize then game starts leaking GPU memory. Until it filles up and then it starts leaking also into RAM memory which ends after like 12 or 15 minutes complete crash of every single program running on my PC.

So my question is if it’s only me, who is experiencing this. If yes then what can i do with it and still see time and being able to stand afk for longer than 10 minutes when i am going for something to eat and forgot to switch on game before i left my pc (I am reading something about game, or i want to watch some YT vid and then system popup message “Close the Boundless app or you may lose your data because you are out of memory”).

My specs
Windows 7 Home Premium
CPU Intel Core i5-2500 3.30GHz (quad core)
GPU GeForce GTX 1050Ti Silent Fx (4GB)

If you are interested i did a video about it. I fasten it up to not be boring. It takes around 12 minutes to fill 4GB my GPU memory and another 12GB of ram memory. It’s not the best quality but only important thing is those meters on the right side because even Task Manager don’t see any bigger memory usage so i think just when GPU reaches it’s maximum it starts dumping everything into RAM. Any ideas how to prevent it? Like give it no access to do it?

If you need any more details or you have any clue why this is happening to me, just let me know please. Thank you


I don’t think it’s only you! I couldn’t seem to replicate it when I was trying to get the same result. I didn’t crash but noticed the machine lagged after being in other windows for a significant amount of time before switching back.

My specs:
Windows 10
CPU: Intel i7-4790k (quad core) (OC to 4.6 ghz)

Yeah I don’t know if I have a memory leak but the game runs without any problems

and I only have Firefox (ca 1gb ram), Discord (ca 250mb ram) Linux itself ( 2gb) and what’s left for Boundless (ca 7 to 8 gb) so it could be a leak

I reported this a month ago, it does… It’s a slow one so on high end computers it only effects it after the game has been open for awhile (24 hours for me). But there is a small memory leak.

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i have the game running all the time between updates usually, when im off to sleep or work i put the computer to standby (suspend to disk) when i come back i awake the computer and im staying in the sanctum.
process still running.
so my game is running active a very long time, and it currently consumes 1,6gb
so i would say from what i see: no there is no memleak to me.

maybe is it some block/device or something where you are that is creating it?
is the memory freed up when yo move to another location/sanctum?

This is happening everywhere in the game. Just when i open other window and it’s maximized so game is not visible then it is happening. While i am playing game or i am afk in game but there is no other window maximized then it’s not happening. It’s just annoying rather than game breaking. Because i forgot to alt-tab to game and go for something and then come back and found all apps crashed (browser, music player, steamú just everything crash because out of memory. Then finally Boundless crash. So i have to re-open all apps and steam and start boundless again found myself on top of the mountain, because i was too close to the wall in the mine.

Have the same problem at times

Yes there is a bug when minimized/not visible it rapidly increased vram usage on Windows. That will be fixed in an upcoming release.


Guess you were wrong… lol

Different people have different usage patterns so experience different results.

The was an additional small leak if you stayed in the same world for a long time that will also be fixed in the next update.


Great news for me. Almost any other kind of bugs don’t bother me that much like memory leaks and question marks instead of thousand number. Thank you for clearing this :heart: