Merry Oortmas! | Let's Play Boundless 017 | Ovis Gaming

Oortmas is here, and I wasn’t ready. So I made a checklist to make sure I got to experience Oortmas in my own way :christmas_tree:

Also made a cool little ‘Interactive Oortmas Themed Diorama’ towards the end, nothing amazing, but cute.

:bell: If you want to keep up with my videos feel free to subscribe! Ovis Gaming - YouTube


I liked the idea of spray painting.

I personally never were a big fan of any oortmas stuff Exept the beard… As you said you can Pretty much wear it always.

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smart stack of red canes - I feel the pain :scream: :rofl:


@Buugi thanks man, I’m definitely going to use that method as a project board for future ideas. Yeh the beard is a staple wearable imo

@boundmore yeh I GREATLY over estimated that one :joy:

will you do that snow spitter glacier farm again?

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I did think of making one! But with like a hoard if spitters, but since colours are way more available nowadays, I thought against it