Metaphorical depth suggestions...?

Though I love the open ended nature of the Lore of Boundless, I always feel we need more depth, keeping the open ended ideas but adding extra metaphorical points of reference, for people to delve deeper into their own Lore Rabbit Holes. Lots of my suggestions revolve around this, and I thought I would add another to the list, with an open question to others about similar ideas they have had, as I used to love the suggestion threads and they don’t get much attention these days.

There are lots of suggestions I can think of that would fit within this notion, perhaps you could argue all of them, but it helps me to have a frame of reference. Some things that come to mind are Vehicles, being able to fly, more mobs (specifics usually included), interactive blocks, etc, etc…

My latest idea was that I wanted to be able to summon a portal, only once every year, perhaps for other resource’s (but i haven’t thought them all through). The recipe would be hand crafted, but take a lot of different ingredients, and not be in the knowledge tab. I would assume it would have some sort of Oort, A selection of different natural and generic mob parts (in small amounts, but lots of different ones), this list of cartable would be the same for every portal, then you would add the eyes, or trophy of a particular creature, and a portal would open up in-front of you, leading to a realm full of that particular creature, perhaps high level, and you can fill your pockets hunting, no campfires or beacons, and once you leave you cant come back for a year…(Perhaps one portal a year per Mob, maybe able to summon a portal to an Orb collection realm - with all the plants and blocks that drop that particular Oorb?, Event themed realms when opened during world events. One to four players per portal? or single player…

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That remind me about an old thread in early access, made by devs asking people for ideas on sandbox creature behaviours and such.
There were some awesome suggestions there.

I always wanted the plotted areas to remove creature spawns in vicinity, so that highly populated areas had less creatures around, even leading to extinction in case or highly plotted worlds.
Also creatures could be afraid to walk into plotted areas with at least village or town level, maybe apart from some random “aggressive” mini-horde spawns getting in and even attacking players.
It’s not per se Lore suggestion but… if it comes to lore ideas I would need more time to write about it here. I’m only posting in a short break moment.

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