Meteors should have a 1/1000 chance to be all roadrunners

Change my mind
20 char


I’d like it to be 1/250 :blush:
1/1000 can be the chance for XL mini-boss RRs that drop 2x the :roughoort:


With how they run away good luck killing them all and not abandoning the meteor


they all run away and you lose meteor chasing them


Or never finish the meteor because one ran too far and you can’t find it lol

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I liked the ram version better. :joy:

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they would have to make special meteor aggressive type of roadrunners - they would run you over like :wink:

Lol it’d be worse than getting yeeted by a wildstock on steroids :exploding_head::joy:

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How about golden meteors (we already have the blocks) that have only Elite creatures, and drop 2x the reward. Could also be only creatures of one type (though this could make it a bit easy). Only on t6 or 7 planets?

They would run away from the meteor, which causes you to chase them out of range and then fail the event…

Ok so as people have pointed out they could run away.

  1. I think that it would still be fun anyway

  2. there could be a range that they won’t leave, like the rest of the meteor mobs have I think


Another option is to have an occassional bonus roadrunner wave on normal meteors. Wave is timed so if they all run away it doesn’t impede progress of meteor. This bonus wave can be a higher occurring fraction of all waves.

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