Mini contest: how many sovereigns will there be on XX date

274 including my 41


One thousand one hundred eleven active

Should i buy 1 3km creative planet and make it into a death star orbiting biitula? But seriously. That’ll be awesome

edit: My guess is about 550

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ten characters

241 it is then.

@angellus can I put you in charge of determining the official number on nov 1?

Grrr everyone blurring their 10 characters
I always click to see what got blurred (or flagged) haha

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You take Biitula’s orbit and I’ll take Trung’s. My Death Star’s weapon is almost complete! Muwhahahaha!



Hmm, 1217 total today, my guess is 406 will be around after expirations, deletions and renewals, followed by a new surge. =) That would leave about 213 mineables.

Mineable’s (ps: i love them all, gleam round-spheres or not)

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My guess is 393

Sure, but you might want to give a hard cut off date for entries. Probably 10/24. If someone “guesses” on 10/31, it is not going to be very fair.

Yep cutoff is 10/25

of the 1200~ today, I think there will be roughly 280 sovereigns up and living by Oct 31

What does it look like now with the latest?

1279 total. 1189 active and not locked. 28 locked (expired, but not removed). 539 currently set to still be active on 10/31.

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I am guessing 322 combined. Approx 25% existing

600 :globe_with_meridians:

My guess is 777

I’m guessing 333



350 :thinking: