I use diamond hammer sometime and same for emerald butty favourite tunneler is the amethyst one.
Not on andoweem, but other places yes. Luckily it’s quite viscous so you should have time to step out of the way
What’s your YouTube name? I’ll subscribe and hit the bell button.
You should throw in or do a separate vid for mining with pre-gem tools. It might save alot of people greif.
So, I didn’t understand the offset pattern part when you mine verticaly haha. So straight up and mine the sides of it or?
Kinda, I dont have a channel yet but considering it coz words and text only go so far.
The vertical mining is just a way to show all the blocks, if you expose anything you want on one of the walls of a vertical shaft, you just mine it and jump / grapple / dig the blocks under it to get it
OMG…how did I never think of that. Thanks!
So the offset pattern is so you don’t check blocks you already checked im guessing?
Yep as I said, it exposes 100% of the blocks for mining only 20%. It’s the same principle as mining horizontal shafts, but by mining the bare minimum.
Bonus from mining vertical is whatever you mine falls down and gets collected so you dont need a walkable 2x1 like with horizontal shafts
Thanks for being patient with me, didn’t want to waste to much of anyone’s time. It helps alot! Not to take away from other people’s tips because they were great but it’s like you said 100% block exposure for 20% work. If lava comes down it’s easy to avoid to. Sure would be a bummer to see diamonds only to have the last block you can reach drop lava down the shaft haha.
Oh! Also if you ever need portals anywhere (this goes for anyone) I have a setup for Berlyn>Elapor>Nashril. Nashril is wild haha, I really need to put up a sign to warn newer players of how easily they can drop to like 10% health to some of the monsters there.
I’m at
Berlyn 620N -2053E Altitude 91.
If you want to be safe, snag those diamonds as soon as you see them always willing to help if I have something worth while to contribute
Thanks again, updated my last comment with some info. I will eventually set up a capital portal to me once it is worth it. I need to add a bunch of shop stands and request baskets still.
What kind of pattern does the saphire hammer do? Is it just single blocks?
Just “heavy” => Higher damage
I had one once if I remember correctly I think it more or less breaks anything with one hit, although I guess that might also be affected by what other skills you have too.