Mob Body Decay

With the larger Meteors coming when hunting in groups, the body’s of the dead mobs can start disappearing way before the meteor is completed, meaning people usually spend time collecting the loot instead of fighting the other mobs. Is this intentional, so people have to weigh up weather to fight and loose some bits, or collect bits during the fighting to make it a little more dangerous. Not posting in suggestions as not sure if other people see this as a good or bad thing…


I dont look at it in good/bad categories, but I find it a bit distracting and it sure does make the whole fighting more chaotic and difficult.

I liked someone’s suggestion (cant remember who that was) to have meteorite creatures loot generated at the end of the fight rather than upon every single death. Maybe as a box on top of meteorite or next to it - separate to meteorite loot crate. Everyone could whack it separately and the total of all killed mobs drops would generate and hop into one’s inventory.
Sth like that I guess.

Interesting idea, but i feel it would remove slightly from the feel of the game, for me if all the loot from the body’s magically appeared in a box, it mould make the world less immersive somehow, not sure if i can pinpoint why though… Maybe just longer decay rate on mobs that have spawned for a meteor, as this is the only time its really an issue…

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I agree there is a certain taste to whacking dead bodies… :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I like the idea. It could generate a lot of lag tho, as it would be a ton of little items spawning at the same time and scattering on the floor.
But maybe they could be somehow picked up instantly, or appear in a container and you could be drag and dropped to your inventory.

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Maybe they could only appear on the floor if your inv is full…

This is intentional to prevent leechers from getting all of the loot at the end. Personally, I am using Iron Bows and I don’t do nearly as much damage as others, but I am still able to survive except when I get hit by a high-level wildstock. To me, I don’t feel like it is fair for me to be rewarded so heavily. In my opinion, rewards should be given based on damage done fixing the problem of leechers in the first place. Instead of hitting dead mobs their model should be destroyed and rewards should be instanced immediately after. That’s my own preference though, I know some people like hitting the mobs.

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I believe I may have heard somewhere mention of a possible auto-loot skill… :wink:


what a bout a skill to loot alive mobs? so i dont have to trouble myself with killing and all… :wink:


Be so much less frustrating that way… and less violence! It’s a win-win! :wink:

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If like items stack, it probably wouldn’t be that bad

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I’m kinda curious now what would cause more lag? All the mob bodies remaining longer therefore the server has to account for every body. Or just having a crate at the end to break and just have the items go in to your inventory.

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