Monumental Boundless Ideas


For whenever you resume development on Boundless (hopefully in 2024, fingers crossed) here is my list of quality of life suggestions for the game:

  1. Offer a way to dramatically reduce crafting timers be it a paid option through Gleam Club or otherwise or via new lucent coils that can be added to a machine or something similar.
  2. Create a button on the beacon reclaim interface that allows you to move as much as possible from the reclaim inventory to your own inventory in a single click. I had several huge beacon reclaims recently and it was very painful to clear them out.
  3. Speaking of inventory, I’d love some way (paid or otherwise) to increase inventory on our characters. I feel our current inventory is a bit small.
  4. While we’re on the topic of inventory, please move tools to their own “tool belt/chain/inventory” so they don’t have to take up space in our existing inventory. This alone might alleviate 3 above.
  5. Linked storage. For storage chests of the same type, allow them to link like machines boxes do to form a larger machine. This would allow for the combination of storage into a single, larger storage space.
  6. Add searchability to storage spaces like you can do for beacon reclaims
  7. Make lucent forging something worthwhile. Currently you can’t really do too much with lucents and the market for lucents is near non-existant. I’d love to see higher-end gums and pastes and such for the centraforge that can be used for lucent forging and I’d love to be able to craft, say, a 5x3 AoE hammer using lucent materials.

I’ll add more as I think of them. Thank you!

  1. Remove the blinksec talent and just allow people to warp as far as they want from anywhere. The cost, of course, should go up accordingly. If someone wants to pay 15,000 coin to warp let them. This should also apply to portals and opening them.
  2. Speaking of talents, James was working on an update that does away with talent pages and allows a character to just have all talents in one page. Finish this work.

I really want a device that removes snow from a beacon. The plot view is ugly and I don’t want to need a fair weather totem when I am building or farming.

We could use rock salt and spark to power the machine.

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Meanwhile you can use the weather trick.

Hold a clear weather totem in your hand, go sanctum, then in sactum pick a different slot and go back though the portal, it will give you the clear weather without the need to hold the clear weather tool.

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I only care about the "2nd Chance Brews, to be brought back to be finished it would give ichor a function lol

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I’m always confident when you post about specific wants and needs that I’ll agree with them. I consider all of those points necessary changes. As usual, I wish we had a format on the forum to have full discussions on each of those points. Threads within comments would be very nice for this kind of thing.

I have at least minor little ideas for basically each of those and I don’t want to muddy up comments with minor thoughts that look like I’m pitching full solutions, etc.

Here’s a tiny one though (not pitching as the answer, just a nugget): Crafting times could be reduced or negated by minigames/tasks. Like if you’re crafting some pies, you can let the timer run or manually complete a task where you have to mix the ingredients correctly. If you succeed, it’s done. If not, the timer continues or you play again.


Thanks for the kinds words @DutchOfSorissi! I’d totally be down for the minigame angle on crafting time reduction as well. This is in line with what the original team did with the Centraforge as a minigame itself.


If Not, The Timer continues and you take DMG for X amount or you play again Muhahahaha

I Love this idea it would be sooo much more fun to craft hands Dutch-chan a :cookie:

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Thought of another QoL idea:

  1. Add an option to beacon controllers that allows you to, with a single click, retrieve all the coin from shop stands in that beacon. I recently opened a shop and I forgot how tedious it is to go to each one and click 3 times to get the profits from a each shop stand. I can’t imagine how someone with a much larger shop would do this on any regular interval.

I’d love it if the stands told you what color items were in the stands when they are emptied. All color block stores can have a lot of shop stands and searching out the empty ones is a nightmare.

Also, a craft all button!

Love the suggestions.


I’d like to be able to fill a whole stack of buckets at a time instead of being limited to 100 buckets. It’s such a tedious task!


it looks good on the shelf :grin: :clown_face:


I want tons of changes and have a bible of suggestions, but to me the skilltree needs to be fixed above anything else. But as initial suggestions for Monumental, how about faming animals, not just for killing them “keep that optional”, but to get some resource from them like milk or wool, also i’d love if i could tame and ride a roadrunner, and have pets maybe?!?!
Also i’would love to refine gem tools and give them more durability, all you need is to give a more finished look to them rather than that rough look.


There are a lot of great ideas for what tamed animals could do but this is the first time I’ve seen roadrunners as mounts and I love it. The animation for that would be juuuust :kissing_heart::pinched_fingers:

Wouldn’t mind it being a super difficult thing to do and for them to be sellable, so people could specialize in taming them and sell them for tens of thousands of coin. Our economy could use some high luxury items for the wealthy players to return some coin to the pool.


Im very happy someone else likes it! Lets hope the devs add it.

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and that would bring a new craft idea for leather - reins and saddles.

  1. Allow additional slots for portal oort so you don’t have to refill as often. This could even be monitized similar to expanded inventory if desired.
  2. This isn’t really a QoL thing but I would kill for a blueprinting system where you can snapshot a part or all of your build saving it to a blueprint that can then be instantly applied somewhere else so long as you have the blocks. There are lots of ways to do this. In Creativerse, blueprints don’t instantly apply all the blocks - you still have to go block by block but it overlays where and what for you on the screen. In Satisfactory, blueprints go all the way allowing you to instantly build an entire thing so long as you have the parts.

So on number 12. I have had that same thought but a bit different. So something I thought about is it has to do with the beacon. So we have reclaim beacon, delete beacon. Now how about blueprint beacon? Now I got this ideas from fallout 76. Whare as long as it’s connected you can place your old home anywhere on the map. Man that would be a dream to have that in boundless.

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Or continue working on Compact Oort as a portal fuel source along with the More points on Skill pages

(I think that whole last update that was promised should be continued to be worked on or finished once we get a new dev team lol)

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My suggestion is to completely redo this game from the ground up taking into account all player suggestions over the years and adding a much more in depth survival element. Thirst, hunger, temperature, clothes, weight, bring the game to UE5, greatly increase the draw distance. Create a very in-depth smithing and crafting system with liquid ore and weapon / tool parts molds.

Oortians should be stranded on a starter planet :earth_americas: and be able to advance to space travel flying to other planets where we will find planet keys :key: and advanced technology that allows us to warp to planets as a more end game mechanic.
Animal husbandry would thrive is this game with players able to farm, ride and breed special, rare and the most dangerous and everything of the sort kind of animals that with some sort of randomizer several different variations of animals will be created as each planet is created.

And last but not least the oortian player models and animal models are completely outdated and just not good. They need to go in order to design better armor sets with characters that have a more manageable body structure with less clipping issues.

Anyways I dnt see any of this actually happening but felt like posting my suggestions anyways.

Maybe the transfers are being started soon :soon: who knows.