This game have Serious Opportunity for growth as in Millions Of dollars. I seen a lot of survivals games on steam and none of them have the same feeling as boundless as a whole. I even played Minecraft and preferred boundless More due to it core gameplay Elements and style of how to grow as a player. A lot of the planned Updates for the game look promising. The economy in this game alone if worth a lot of gameplay. Also the Mining is very enjoyable too from people who love resources gathering. Also Building is very complex more complex than other games in steam library That is very enjoyable and satisfying. Also the gleam That alone as color system for the game that is a game changer No game has this in there gameplay and its very Rewarding to see the glowing gleam and being able to make it into vary of color building stuff. Would be nice if the gleam color can be used to add color effect to our tools like a enchantment in minecraft that glows. Also hunting is very satisfying because of the resources you get and how challenging they are with various tools and weapons and effects also from eating stuff too. Also Farming this a a long term growth but it is satisfying’s for different requirements with building with gleam and lava and water it looks nice But I do wish we could have more level builds with farms like towers of them. Also the portal Use to transport is very nice Nothing is like than in any game at all. Its very satisfying to make a portal Hub and connect different worlds or shops or workstations or storages or builds to show off and hunts also farms too. This is a lot of enjoyment from boundless as you can see we do have a gold mine here and there’s a lot of opportunity also to be fair what the game is today and what we enjoy and what i enjoy in it the current gameplay trailers Do not show what i love about it and that wasn’t the reason why i bought it.
who knows why were left in the dark which is frustrating GIVE US A CRUMB OF INFO at least
Thank you for replying to me Also i do agree too I would love some info too I was happy at first when they got it now i am sad
but i do Love boundless as a whole
Nice to see you’re still around. And I’d have to agree with you. Boundless is like no other game. Sure there might be similarities as far as voxels. But it just has that bit of magic. And clearly sooooooo much potential. Some may say it’s a niche game. But it only is because not enough people have been exposed to it.
So come on Monumental.
Let’s drop the price. Push out a new trailer that better represents what this game is and can be.
You got this and as crazy as this community is. We’re here for the long haul.
@Tiggs @monty1
(Returns to the hole I crawled out of)
I haven’t played for a while now But i do come and check any news from devs about updates on growing the game or updates other than the events because when i was online i felt sad that there was not enough players and it was getting to me. also i had big projects that was huge ideas but I felt i was very overwhelm with trying to think on how to grow with youtube to help the game grow. Also the fact that nothing hardship proof or commitment from the owner with comments in the forum or seeing them play the game was very sad too. I did see a lot of free ways to update the game with trailer also videos from the community to post on official youtube also on facebook with ads and other platforms like i mention in the past. Also they could have offer youtubers some ingame content like gleam club or something of not money to help grow it like also keys to give out to viewers. also advertisement is what is needed before they bought the game thats why we were happy. we all wanted growth for the game due to the original creators not advertising the game or updating it due to covid. now we got a new company and still the same also offer no promise only talk about a new team that we see no making or updates on progress with forum or players. also no question with what we would want in the game or suggestion we want imminently so they can work on to prioritize overdue promises this game becoming like nomansky if it come to it it may be a issue later on from long-term players also growing in a bad way.
It’s good to see you still around I wish more would be done, but I no longer expect it. Just playing while I still can.
I certainly would love to hear anything regarding the game beyond “oh hey maintenance is happening” because from outside-the-company all I see is “Boundless is in Maintenance Mode, we’ll try to keep it alive as long as our server costs don’t exceed the income from Gleam Club. Please do not expect any further development.”
Please provide the source where you got this information from.
This is just what @InertFurry feels like it shows from the outside, didn’t implied facts there.
Ah, I thought so as his written statement is not based on facts or on any information given by Devs.
You mention a Lot what i tryed to Cover in my Videos.
In this one i tryed to make a "new Trailer " with actual gameplay to Show people how the Game Looks and advertise IT s good AS i can…
In the other vid below i say Like you that IT could be greater than Minecraft, around 5:20 and later also with advertisements .
But i became No reaction to my Player made Promotion vid from devs , OK its Not Professional done but IT could have been an Inspiration because i only took the Original Soundtrack of the Promo Trailer few years ago and Made new vid content .
The reaction from the Community was Always awesome and this means a Lot to me because i Love doing such vids .
What i want to say IS wht should you do If you try to give them inspiration and nothing happend from them ?
I would Like to do more vids for Boundless but for what ??
I saw the Community Always shrinking and tryed to do Something against IT with my Promotion vid to get new Players into the Game …
But nothing from the Developer side …
I still Love the Game but how Long will IT be online ?
IT could be lasting for “ever” If they would do Advertisement and Just minor Updates from time to time with Blocks to give people more creativity and new Tasks…
Just do IT Like Minecraft does and you ll have a Cash cow .
I love it
were all on the same page we all would like some kind of info your not alone on that
Yes Thank you I hope we find info soon