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When the sun rises in the West and sets in the East…

I spoted it already, but want to tell about one time more:
Sun rising on west and drooping on east.
Is it normal?

UPD: North is the bottom side of the planets in sky and south is a top side. Looks like you need to change N/S & W/E directions.

Height map of planet’s image looks inverted on down half of planet: mointains looks as craters and lakes looks as a plateau.

Vulpto on rails

Would planetary systems have any physical model? Now all planetary images havn’t relationships: you can see a position of your portal on night side of moon in sky and see day behind portal simultaneously.

It’s a very difficult challenge and physical model will has another weak points like a long periods when you can’t see required planets in sky. But I think it will be great to have such.