I really enjoy everything about the Spider crop and would very much like to see this whole skeme done up again with flowers, other insects, and possibly glowing things?
The idea for the Spider crop is a winner and needs to be utilized a whole tonne more.
i love growing spiders
maybe butterflies or birds? to be placed in our gardens / farms / builds?
birds - craftable eggs that could be put into nest made of TANGLES to get color?
butterfly - crafted / gathered catterpillars fed on flowers to get color?
glowing flowers - seeds planted at gleam to get glow?
The spider farming I absolutely loved, especially how they morphed to various shades of the color trellis. I was wondering after my first harvest if goo did this on gleam and rock, it does, so the spider crop helped me understand the goo crop. I would love other options for farming decorations, creepy crawler, grown goods, etc. It would also be cool for the spiders if different trellises gave them a different design. You devs are awesome for creating this, what about crows, scarecrow, sunflowers, other animal decor, a planet where everything glows in the dark when you interact with it.,…cool ideas.
Yes I would love to see a bunch of growable decorations as long as they have no restrictions on being able to grow them materials must be able to get all year the spiders I can see being a special item for the Halloween event but if they add more to the list of things to grow no exo material please
For Oortmas, maybe something that looks like Holly perhaps, and could be crafted into different color wreathes - just a brainstorm but that could look cool, decorative Oortmas Wreath to hang up. And that type of plant might look really nice growing on trellis.
Oeggs could be a nice one for Oeaster! If the seeds to grow them or wild forms just spawned randomly in the worlds, we could have a literal Egg Hunt, that would be pretty fun, encourage people to just run around everywhere.
I like how it works in concept, but I would love to see a little more polish and even some animation put into it.
Spiders should grow from a spider egg- advance in stages from small to large egg, and finally a hatched spider. I’d also appreciate (I’d absolutely hate it- in a good way!) a little squirming animation on the eggs and an idle animation on the spider itself. Maybe cleaning its face and mandibles occasionally… yuck!
Similar systems for other decorative creatures like birds or lizards or insects. Each could have some thematic flair that makes them better fit the boundless universe.
Also, I’d love if they were just a bit more alien. The spiders feel too terran, earthly to me.
Amazing replies everyone. Thank you for the support on this idea. I really do hope they hear us.
I love the idea of animations within the voxels for fireflies and such. I’d love some multi coloured ants and ladybugs. Oh the Ladybugs would be so very cute!!
I would love too have all kinds of glowy bugs around my base it would give an awesome ambiance especially those fireflies and I would love to have those glowing flowers too (If you couldnt tell I love glowing things )