More uses for Bone!

I seem to have an abundant amount of Bone now and very little use for it, so I have been trying to come up with additional recipes / items that they could be used for…

I also had the idea that bones, as with fossils, could be split into small, medium and large, which could potentially broaden their use at a later date (bone shovel anyone?! :smiley: ).

Here are some of the things I have come up with so far :-

I don’t know what is planned for the recipe for creating Signs, but I added a suggestion at the bottom, as it could use bone as part of it!

I’ve also hidden some of the rows, as I have a few other ideas that I’m not quite ready to share yet :wink:


I especially like the bone char idea. Very creative!


A bit off topic but I also feel that tallow is in dire need of additional uses… Biofuel anyone?

anyway I love the idea of varying qualities of bones (s/m/l)


Haha yeah that’s pretty much all I could come up with for tallow as well… maybe candles or a lubricant (could reduce wear on machines for a period of time or something like that).


I’d love to be able to equip large bone as alternative totem :grinning:


New skill - Bone carver! :smiley:

Maybe the totems are actually made out of ancient Oortian Bones :open_mouth:


Also bone poles could work

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Wouldn’t it be more practical to use Bone Extract? I mean, sure, an extra step, but less overhead in the recipes using bones.

Also, I’d really like to just make bone/fossil props/blocks.

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Bone armor. Omg I would love to rock some bone armor. Wildstock skull helm?


Now that would be very cool!! I hadn’t even considered it could be used as a wearable as well!