More Uses for Tallow... Bio-Diesel?

Title says most of it… in short i have ever-growing stacks of tallow and little use for it… it can be only used to make torches and slides that i know of… plus there are refineries already in the game so it makes since.

Also im constantly short on cycles and spark so an extra source of these (especially from a non-mining source) would be welcome. It certainly wouldn’t replace coal as the main fuel since its hard to get mass amounts of it not to mention further balancing could be instilled in the recipe for the new fuel. i think it would be about like compacted peat.


Wow, I was just thinking the same thing today - there must be some way to process animal fat to create fuel.

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certainly can in real life ^^


that also made me think about a discussion somewhere else about brewing beer and such - if it comes to looking for different kinds of fuel, industrial use alcohol could be available for brewing (as such use of it in game wouldn’t cause problems with adult content I guess)

PS and tallow could be used for making healing ointments (working on some kind of effect like burn and such - especially that different effects connected with gems and stones are coming to the game)

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