Mosaic trim

Has anyone figured out a way to predict what the secondary color will be in (decorative?) mosaic blocks? The old diagonal one.

Like stark orange’s trim matches well with pale sepia, especially considering stark orange mosaic is a bit darker than rock/brick, and pale sepia might be an exact match if the mosaic was lighter. But why pale sepia (101) with stark orange (137)? Also could be stale sepia (82) but I don’t have that color. I’m cycling through loincloth colors to find prospects…



I think colors are based on this palette from world builder.
So actually there 3 values for texture coloring (like in character creator)

And here is some combination of three different colors with mosaic. If I would use same base color value it would just make texture completely solid color in preview.

I don’t know what I am doing, just playing around with to give you some idea how these colors might be determined :smiley:

Edit: Actually it is possible to load live palette in builder and see how colors are build around.
I think this could be Luminous Red.


wow thanks I’ll have to check that out

I’m about to spray all 255 colors :blush: any particular colors you want to see?

Not really at the moment, I have mosaic for my current and planned builds. Would be great to have a showcase of mosaic with matching rock for future color schemes though.

As soon as my sprays are ready I’ll have it up :blush: dupix is making me 40 sprays in every color. I’m doing every natural block and every sprayable block in every color. It’s under row C in my mall

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