Most pointless suggestion?

Have exo planets explode when they disappear?

Or is the logic of an exo planet that it gets temporarily caught in a planets gravitational pull and when it leaves that zone it continues it’s trajectory and lives on.

And if so, will we see old exo planets reappear on their journey through the universe?

And yes I’ve been watching A LOT of Brian Cox and Neil DeGrasse Tyson videos :brain: :boom:


I would be interested to know about our solar system/s. is it just one, are there more ? are some planets moons of other planets ? is there a map ? (not the PS map)


I’d like to see a solar system map. That would be cool.


or maybe they aren’t planets at all! what if each planet is a 3 dimensional portal that we are stuck in? every time you move forward, you are teleported behind yourself at the other side of it, so it looks like you are standing still, but everything else is moving. it appears as a sphere from the outside, but behaves like infinite plane when you are in it. and what we see as the ‘universe’ is just the equivalent of that fuzzy bit around the small 2d portal? what if that’s the big bad thing the Ancient Oortians did ?




I think I just relapsed back into one of my hazy university days reading that!


Put down the pipe, Apt. You’re done


Or what if… it wasn’t a bad thing at all. But rather, WE are being punished and have been sent into this portal-fuzz dimension to serve our time for crimes done. We can never truly die here because our judges prefer us to suffer repeatedly for our sins with little to no hope of escape or parole.

When the bodies die, we’re teleported back to sanctum where our prison warden, the old Oortian, judges us anew and sends us on our way before programming and releasing mobs of hoppers and cuttletrunks behind us to kill us again.

What have we done to deserve this?

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Oh dear… does this mean that “atoobio!!” doesnt actually mean “hello” but could instead mean “guilty!”?

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