Mouse wheel chisel tier options

What!? Yea it’s hard to describe on a subject line. So how about, depending on what chisels you have equipped and your current corresponding chisel skills, when you click to chisel a block, instead of instant breakage, you see the block as an opaque example of the chisel outcome and then as you roll your mouse wheel you see it cycle the block animation through all your available chisel cuts, rotations and options. This would prevent ever having to break and rechisel a block again.


See this post:

But yeah, I think some kind of improvement should be possible. At the same time I have less need for it now that I have used my chisels a lot. So practice helps too.

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I just got it.
I love your idea about the block becoming transparent with a preview of the shape you are going to chisel.
I like the idea of seeing the preview as you hover over the block before you click, and as you look around the preview changes to what it would look like if you clicked.
This could work, but the problem is:
What if you are holding 2 chisels? (I know some do)
Well how about:
Preview shows main hand chisel result by default, and If you want to chisel with your non-primary hand, hold the off-hand selector for the rotation wheel and chisel away!
I think this would be the most intuitive and time-saving as it doesnt require any more mouse clicks or wheel scrolling and the button is otherwise only used when switching tools and wouldn’t interfere with other functions.


Yes, it would be hard for me to accept an alternative that makes chiseling slower. But some kind of preview would be helpful.

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