
With the Sovereign Planets coming, eventually, I am considering moving to a planet that is closer to me geographically. This means I am looking at US east. Is there a way to see what servers are where and possibly a player count per server?

I usually use the PS map to figure out what planets go with what servers. Not sure on populations though.


Thanks @Soju-VB this gives me someplace to start!!

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Some relevant numbers are here:

Not population, but prestige and number of beacons.

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Tana VII is a USE server and there are usually between 3-20 players I see online. Although most of those players are usually perusing @DKPuncherello mall.


I actually wondered about Tana, I have a shop at DK Mall so I wasn’t sure how the numbers I often see there would be all messed up because of if. But then I decided to stay away because soon DK will have expanded over the whole planet. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:


Plus if you want 1 blinksec from your sovereign world you need to base from a world that is the same level as the sovereign world you want. For Tana that would be a T2.

Have the devs answered the question about selecting the planet your sovereign world orbits yet? I didn’t see it.

You may not be able to specify that. EDIT: James has confirmed that we will not be able to specify the world. I added a link in a later post.

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Well, if its 1 blinksec from the world your base is one then I would assume it orbits that planet.

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I use this website for the planet info/locations:


Cephonex has good portal distances.


I found a pretty nice spot on Gyosha that I like so far. Portal distances don’t seem all that different from Cephonex. I haven’t really checked out Cephonex yet. Just looked really busy. lol.

Can use this sheet to figure out portals if thats one of the deciding factors

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It’s one blinksec from the planet it orbits. But we don’t get to decide which planet it orbits:

So if you want your base to be 1 blinksec from your sovereign world you have to get the sovereign world before you build your base.

hmmm I see. Maybe I should just find a nice city somewhere that would let me have a nice sized plot for now. Lol.

Nobody lives on Kada, lots of space there haha

There’s also a giant noob city now on tana if you wanna help noobs. No joke, 20 noob bases from the past week all in one area, it’s great!

Just don’t go running around at night without a decent light lol

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@DKPuncherello I wasn’t joking when I said I found a nice spot on Gyosha. It’s begging for a dwarven city entrance. Just BEGGING. Wish I had an idea how far off the private planets were…so I knew if I really wanted to start a project like that.

or here…

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And cost…that would be awesome to know too…would go so much easier for planning my boundless future…