Music with Boundless

What do you prefer to listen to as an album or artist when you play Boundless right now?

For me:



Wow, you got one of my absolute favorite artists there that not too many seem familiar with! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1: Loreena McKennitt. She’s incredible.

I love the game soundtrack listen both to it and my own music, depending on my mood. Zoning out to Boundless and music is very healing for me. Basically lose myself in the game and music, worries and sadness just melt away for a time, I’m separated from them. Anyways, back on topic, stuff like hers is my kind of thing - a lot of Celtic and New Age stuff (but not the sleepy stuff), some with electronic and other influences. Sleepthief, Mythos, Dead Can Dance, David and Diane Arkenstone (David does some game music too) are some good examples, and another game music creator favorite I’ve got a lot of is Inon Zur.


I listen usually either nothing (boundless has pretty good soubdtrack itself)
Or ambient music.

My tree building artist is Moby.
I get good vibes from his music


Genial, thank you for sharing with me your musical inspirations. Indeed Loreena is not very public and yet it is a very great musicologist. I am curious to discover the other artists that you quote! :musical_note::notes:

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J’adore Moby!!! :heart:

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I add that there is nice to go picking! ^^

For me it’s something nordic usually.
Thanks for sharing the music, i will definitely listen to it in detail. :heart:


You showed me very non-obvious music, i love that kind of music. It’s hard for me to find something like this)

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In the not very obvious style, it remains relatively well known but not really public. That’s what I listen to for creative activities generally.

i listen various things while building. Here is one of the examples. Kind of Jean Michelle Jarre kind of music

also i like to listen some orchestral remixes of nobuo uematsu game soundtracks as well as Yasunori mitsuda. :smiley:


I like to rock out to Taylor Swift. Her music is so upbeat and happy. It really puts me in the mood to hunt.

When I’m building I like To listen to opera… any opera. I find I build bigger and better…

If I’m exploring, it’s country all the way. Especially the old stuff by Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton.

I’m kidding. I like the Boundless soundtrack. It puts me to sleep sometimes. :blush:

I will share my favorite song. :nerd_face::+1:

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I rock out to spitcups boundless streams or one of many playlists i create for boundless on spotify constantly most are public listed. Although i do have a general playlist for building i don’t listen to that much due to prefering my specific project associated playlists.

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I don’t listen music while play Boundless very often, but sometimes when i build i like to listen Tracy Chapman and when i try to organized my storage something like Velvet Underground.


Thank you for your shares🌸

these days i am listening a lot to little lion studio’s geneva dubplate session’s

especially brother culture

found this by biga ranx coming up in my list daily

and the lyrical machine queen sativa WATCH OUT

and the regular chanmpions sound

and some steppa style when building

charlie P for good measure

Ooooh greeeat!!! :heart:

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Ha ha! :man_dancing: 20191102_173800

First, I love this thread! Very inspirational, keep it coming!

I love listening to Above & Beyond during gaming. A recent absolute favorite of mine is their latest big show in Prague:

visuals and sound are insane

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