Hey all. I’ve had a settlement on Bitula that I’ve been preserving for the last 3 years. I’d just log on to refuel it in the hopes that the devs would eventually return to it. I put alot of work into it. But RL stopped prevented me from getting on in the last few days and my settlement has gone now
Is there anyway to recover it or am I just SOL? I’m so sad and frustrated that it’s gone just because I couldn’t get on to refuel it.
All the blocks and items within the beacon will be ‘stored’ in reclaim like Georgia said, but in terms of the actual build, you won’t be able get the physical build back in place unless you rebuild it (with the materials that are in reclaim storage)
When we reclaim, where do the items go? Inside our personal inventory or a bunch of storage containers or something else? Just want make sure I have enough fuel and find a decent place to put the beacon before I start the reclaim process.
It’ll be in your beacon all organized until you remove all your items from the reclaim. Once those are all out you can then reclaim another beacon if you have more then one beacon.
If its your only beacon, make sure to grab out storage blocks first, else you’ll find your inventory full with nowhere to store the stuff you pull out of the reclaim.
active reclaim look like this, see?below your inventory you have another window with reclaim and you can take whatever you want from it, no need to take all at once
As far as current capabilities I am afraid the build itself is gone, however as other have stated you should have all your blocks, and so on within a virtual beacon reclaim box. Welcome back and wish you the very best of luck in finding a new home to build your dream house,etc …