My discovery of the ancient location of Eden

Here is a little tale about a discovery I never expected…

When I first started boundless I was travelling the known set of planets and I met a very friendly person called @the-moebius. I started to help him with a little expansion project he had at Therka Markets where I decided to give homage to a character I had in another dimension - Merlyn. So I created Excalibur Square…

Afterward I finished up my travels and came across a wonderful untouched lake filled area of Berlyn that had a unique and somewhat ancient looking beacon tower out in the middle of a valley that wasn’t fueled or anything. It was just sitting there on top of some gold platform.

So, I decided to build my house on an island beside the ancient beacon as well as settle my Alt ShadowFax there. We built a nice little community for ourselves and were happy.

As we were building our houses we noticed that the beacon seemed to change appearance… almost like it was coming back to life. Where before there was just the tower we now had a very dilapidated ancient courtyard. ShadowFax and I decided to try to add some fuel to the beacon tower to see what happened. It started to slightly glow but quickly went out. But, before it extinguished itself I was able to quickly read its name – Eden.

I wondered to myself and had a few conversations with ShadowFax over the next days about this possibly being the ancient location of Eden - the source of all creation. At first we could not believe that the developers of Boundless had actually created something that somehow spanned the dimensions and allowed this magical place to actually manifest itself across time and space.

I decided there was only one way for me to be sure on what we had found. So using the unknown ancient powers from my character Merlyn I had him open a one way portal to link his dimension to ours allowing him to come through to Boundless. He investigated the ruins and did come to the conclusion that what we were looking at was Eden. Using the last of his powers before the dimension to his universe closed, he was able to manifest and restore some of the beauty of the Eden courtyard that had started to appear. We were very surprised with what we saw…

Since Merlyn was now stuck in this realm, he took over another little island and started to build a tower while he worked on restoring his magic in this boundless universe. What we noticed was that over time the area around the courtyard continues to “restore” itself and new things showed… Now we saw an ancient group of portals that were closed and led to some unknown place unknown masters must have used.

My friend @reapa11 joined the community and more and more things appears as Merlyn applied his magic. One of our biggest successes was when our friend @142857 joined us and used his skilled to open the great portal connected to the Eden courtyard… We found a whole portal network that the Ancients must have used. It was in some hidden underground cave filled with lava.

We tried to open the original portals to the locations they had them connected to but we were unable to. So instead we used this “Fire Caverns” network and linked them to the boundless planets and cities like Cliffside that @reapa11 has.

After more discussion with Merlyn we were able to determine that the more people that settle in the community of Eden – the more his magic will allow the original beauty of the place to return. So we set out in a quest to talk with others that we knew to see who might join in rebuilding Eden. An open feel community that is part of nature and not dominating it. @Combyte and @TwistedFoot have both joined the effort and we are looking for more.

Next weekend (October 7-8) we are planning a party in Eden to celebrate our finding of this ancient place. We are hoping people will come visit and look around as well as maybe join the effort to restore its beauty. We also will be coordinating a monster hunt on various planets using the Fire Caverns hub network we now run… All people are welcome to join us for the hunt as well. The times will be posted in another thread soon…

If you are interesting in settling into the Eden community and area please reach out to me ( @Xaldafax ) or @reapa11 and we can talk about your plans and help you find the right place so that your efforts can help Merlyn’s magic the most.

Warmest regards,


I’ve already been there by accident. :sweat_smile:

And it’s definitely an exceptionally beautiful spot.

I would love to contribute a public garden or park. (Already throwing around concepts in my head.)


That is beautiful story and a beautiful place. I would join if I haven’t had couple of projects already :smiley:


lovely work!


@Kirinvar - we definitely would love something like that… Just find me sometime and we can figure out the details.

@Spoygg thanks… yeah we all have so many projects. :slight_smile: Since we were shooting for more of a planned style that is all ok if people can’t help… they can direct others that live on Berlyn too or something else.

Primarly what I am trying to do is help get some data to give to the developers on how newer communities can grow compared to established spots like Therka, etc. Also with the other things we are doing we hope to give information on challenges or how things grow.

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I noticed some people might not know how to get to Eden on berlyn. You can use these 3 locations to get to the Fire Caverns Hub. I’m shooting at the portal to take.

Excalibur Square

Therka Market - Moebius Plaza

Munteen Paradise

Once inside Fire Caverns take this portal to get to Eden on Berlyn:

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An additional portal has been opened directly to Eden from Elop Portas. Here is a screen shot of the portal location, it is right across from SWProzee1’s Portal Hub.


Woah!! I need to see this. I’ll come and visit asap

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Eden’s Fire Caverns hub now has dual Vulpto portal access. One is to @TwistedFoot 's Unicorporated city (right near Twisted’s triple portal hub) and the other is to #2 on city list - unnamed settlement (right by cookviper’s green building and jeff’s network). Here is a screenshot for the portals which are side by side in the Fire Caverns hub:


We have had some additions to Eden that I would like to showcase if you are interested in joining this community…

We have a new hobbit house by @houdhakker2. You have to visit to see the awesome interior.

A new hanging garden in progress by @Kirinvar… just amazing place to eat lunch and marvel at the view. As well as an awesome house by @Kal-El.

And lastly our first treehouse (still work in progress) in our homage to an Ewok village… if you want to live among the trees please let me know… we need more people to realize this dream.


The hanging gardens of Eden have been completed!

They are called Gardens of the Twelve.
The idea was (besides twisting floating platforms) to have a garden for all 12 planets in the known universe.
Since some planets look the same, it comes down to 6 gardens in total:

Autumnal garden for Berlyn, Solum, Therka and Vena

Tentacle garden for Alturnik and Munteen

Desert garden for Andoweem and Elopor

Red garden for Vulpto

Ice garden for Epsilo and Septerfon

Purple garden for Nasharil

View on Eden from the top garden

If you like to check it out first hand:


Grade A+ beautiful build! I’m serious, you should take an acolyte and do contract work! I would pay top coin to have parts of New Berlyn beautified like this! I can build decent buildings, but I am hot garbage at gardening!


been there yesterday looks amazing :smile:


same but i managed to put leafs on a furnace pot :smile:
was not my design to hahahah

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Top marks on the builds and lore! Awesome to see such beauty on my home world of Berlyn! :+1::smiley::+1:


Thank you @Kirinvar. You really are one of the best builders in this game. Thank you for being willing to put so many hours into doing this project.

On a side note, I finally did my post (yeah a few days late) on the special project I have - United Planetary Headquarters. We really could use your ideas and skill on this project…


The Fire Caverns have redone their Alturnik portal connection and expanded it. When you go through our portal you now see this:

Additionally there is a portal to Vena V and gleams village. This makes it so we now have access to every planet in the game.

Here is a screen shot of our Vena V connection in Gleams village.

Go mine diamonds and be merry…