My explorer quest is bugged!

Hello there! I would like to report a problem which I have been having on Boundless.
I’ve chosen to become an Explorer, and so I have been trying to make as many Explorer quests as possible. However, I have stumbled upon a quest which has three steps:
Firstly, make a friend, which I have successfully completed
Secondly, I had to connect two Warp blocks and break the portal, which once again I have done
(Note that by “I have done”, I mean that the steps actually showed up as completed, and there was no problem with them)

And here comes my problem, at the third step, where it said that I must configure the portal to take me to my friend’s location and walk through it.
I have done this in MANY ways. Warping to my friend; warping to my friend from a great distance; warping to my friend’s settlement while he is in it, but the last step just wouldn’t get done! My friend has also reported that he is unable to finish that quest, as he also had it and wanted to do it, and so I believe that this has nothing to do with my computer or game. It is a bug that must be fixed!

So here I am, unable to end the quest, or delete it, as I do not know how to do it, or if it even is possible.
For further reference, here is an Imgur link to an image with the steps:


I believe that this is a bug, this has not worked for me either as well as the “portal destination II” quest.

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Exactly my thoughts! Well, my sole purpose with this thread was only to bring this to the developers’ attention.

We should have a fix for this soon.

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That is wonderful news, thank you very much!

Not on topic, but just to make clear, these are not classic quests, objectives are meant to teach you a thing or two about the game. They’re more tutorials than quests.

And welcome to Boundless :smile:


Strangely, it worked for me because I’d already set up for it, and when someone traded me a token for his home (in which I was standing), it magically completed.

I’m still trying to find a portal token so I can complete the other portal quest–but I haven’t any idea where to find one, nor do I have a recipe. (I’m going very slooooowly :smile: .)

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It took me awhile to figure this one out too.

When you set down a portal conduit piece (the white sparkly ones, not the black sparkly warp ones) and interact with it, there’s two submenus. the first is the place where you put in fuel, the second is accessed at the top of the menu (like when trading, there’s trade and the second ‘tab’ is befriending - iirc we are friends on the testing server) from this second menu you can retrieve the portal token.

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Thank you for the welcome! <3

The reason why I saw them as quests is because they kept repeating sometimes. I remember getting more than one quest twice or even thrice, hence my view of it as a “quest”, and not a “tutorial”

Hm, that’s strange, you should get them only once.

Huh. I’ll keep an eye out for that, and see if it happens again. I guess I’ll make another thread if need be.

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I too thought of them as quests at first. But devs have pointed out a few times that those are only meant to be tutorials.

After going through them, game play should be about daily/weekly objectives and contracts. Something like that :slight_smile:

There are 2 very similar warp objectives, so it could have been that which you are referring to maybe.

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I have exactly the same problem. Warping to friend objective does not finish no matter what I do.

What version are you playing on? This should be fixed on the Testing branch, but it has not been pushed to Live yet.

I’m playing on Live. I guess we will just have to wait.

Thank you for the reply.

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