My health and the future of Nova Golda Market

I am just so sorry that this is happening to you. I hope that, whatever decisions you need to make, that it brings you some peace and relief from your pain. I am not religious, but, God bless you anyway. :heart:


You are Boundless Aenea, a lot of positive energy for you!


After yet another scary night where I got dizzy going to the bathroom I’ve decided to move to a hospice where I will have 24/7 care. Should give me a lot less stress and worries, also will make sure that I don’t feel so gosh darn lonely in my final months…

I will take my PS5 with me tho, Switch too and if they have room for it also my pc. And of course my cute tiny bears, hehe.

Who knows I might get a bit of a lift in my mood and pain there and be around for a few more months.

It’s so annoying to still have so many things that I wanted to do in live and not being able to… Sigh

Anyhoo, this should be good for me


i wish i was able to dislike a post because liking the post is not suitable at this moment!
as much as this hurts me to see someone in such pain without being able to live their lives to the full
i feel with you @AeneaGames just because i don’t reply as much or we don’t talk as much, its just i don’t know how i should process such info and I’m sure a lot of other people on the forums also don’t know how to cope with it, its a serious case this and it hurts others mentally too I’m sure i speak for a lot, we wish you all the strength and power to be be with for a lot longer to experience life longer!, i will pray for you :pray:
and if there is anything i could do, don’t be scared to contact me :slight_smile:


Yeah, same. By liking, I hope it does convey that we’re with you in spirit during this, Aenea.


Getting a lift from pain sounds like a great way to get a lift in mood. I think about you often and am rooting for you.


Thinking of you @AeneaGames


I just wanted to say nova golda is in good hands and will continue. Love yea aenea


You’ve been an awesome member of the community @AeneaGames and you’ve definitely made a positive difference in many players’ experiences. Wishing you the best of luck.


@AeneaGames there isn’t much to say but for 2021 I wish you painless and comfortable days with joyfull moments with your games and loved ones.


Honestly, I wish you the best of luck. You’ve been a constant in game and I will miss your good advice.


Hello dear @AeneaGames my Grilfriend Jaeggie and I LOVE your mall we have been store owners of your mall for a very long time and had in our first time our hammers prefer to buy from you and what large orders that were sometimes. =) We wish you much strength and painless days. In thoughts we are with you and send you much strength. we love you <3 loving greetings Jaeggie and SwissHugo


@AeneaGames sorry I am just now seeing this. We love you and you are in our prayers.


Just seen this, haven’t been on this forum for a while.

I’m so pee’d off I didn’t get to say goodbye.
You’ve been such an inspiration in boundless and out of it.

I know we may not of been close as you were with others but we still spoke to one another.

It’s so sad to see such a wonderful woman gone, but never forgotten!!!

RIP @AeneaGames :kissing_heart: