My Settlement not showing up as a town or city and not on the leaderboards is that normal

My Settlement ain’t showing up as a town And ain’t on the leaderboards is that normal

Whats your Prestige?

My prestige is 1,826,912

To become a town you need more than 2,5 million I think and a city you need more than 6.5 million.

Town is 1,250,000 doesn’t even show on the planet leaderboard

Should be listed as a towne with that prestige amount.

Also the leaderboards aren’t anything more than the top ten settlements per planet.

So if you are planetary rank 11 you won’t be on the leaderboards

I’m planetary rank 2 but it don’t show that

Which planet are you on?

Is your beacon telling that it is bridging?

I was just about to ask that .
Do you have any single plots?

I’m on houches 1 and yes it says it’s bridging too what I don’t know

Your beacon has plots that are 1 plot wide, maybe connecting to another beacon.
Below few examples of possible bridging situations, if you play on PC you can try to track plot problem in beacon view.

2 beacon situation with 1 plot road between

3 beacon situation with 1 plot road between

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Ooh I can’t have lines of plots connecting for a settlement?

If you want to keep narrow road, and not connect two settlements to one it is best to divide 1 plot roads as own beacons, and your settlement shows up properly back on list after next server update cycle what is something like 1 minute or so.

Or then make roads 2 plot wide.

If you have lines off plots you need to make them at least 3 wide.

Even though it’s one settlement it has too be 3 plots wide

Unfortunate yes. Place plots around it to see if it changes.

D: I need a lot of plots too do that lol my 4 towers are 7 plots high from the towers below 6 plots wide from each other

So how many plots is you settlement?
And what is the arrangement off the plots.
I.e 10x10

I’m using 1,576 plots