My stuff is now reclaimed.. Time For New start(again)

As said my old place turned To ash yesterday and now looking place To stay…

I was first thinking higher tier planet like norkyna but i dont know do i have nerves To always run through dozen of portals if i need something from lower tiers.

So everything is Pretty much open… I mainly build natural stuff and i get a long with Pretty much everyone…
I dare To say theres just few Or less People Who have something bad To say about me (Well At least i like To think so).


time for a new start I like it!
whatever you feel like doing bro, a higher tier can be fun I guess
and when it comes to people, it is ok if someone cannot get along with a person, it doesn’t mean they should have issues going through the same door.
The same goes for me i’m liked by many but rumors tell me otherwise I can also be a huge a$$ but only if I’m made to be like that. I’m pretty sure you are liked by many but also you can be an a$$
:laughing: other than that it doesn’t mean you are a bad person, we all need to express ourselves at times

anywaaaaaays raxxian sanctuary would be happy to take you with open arms


I always thought that place had Pretty restricted building rules… Colors and such.

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You are always welcome to find a place near me and connect! There’s lots of really nice land and big trees on trior. Got a few settled nearby now we all do our own thing but we are close visit each other often etc :slight_smile:

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the raxxian sanctuary yes but you can plot at the borders and connect and be part of the awesome me
:stuck_out_tongue: there’s a certain color rule for a certain ‘‘distance’’
also, I plotted around the sanctuary. I can either open a spot.if you think you do not expand often
or just find a spot around it


That sounds great… Im open To anything but i doubt i would be ready For the “city” life again.

Lol we are spread out enough that it don’t feel like a city :slight_smile: Im here for the long haul too so it’s not going anywhere.

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Aint brandyvine your place?

Me and edwe chilling there somewhere on the outskirts. Its def not city life actually really chill very spread out and a really Nice hub we all use tot visit eachother nature there is awesome edwe Just did a little glowing forest piece came out sweet

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@Shadykatt34 is hoarding former aquatopians?


I setup a portal at my Place totreturning former residents of therka i found while traveling is big Réunion party lol

Sometimes a fresh start can be quite fun. It’s also nice to have all your items neatly sorted by type & color, ready to go. :slightly_smiling_face:


its awesome im also still learning alot i did not know before like that there are goodweather totems mind blown


Thats great ye… It kinda is like a storage. I can just do much smaller build than before reclaim system.

I Love it.


Yep! But it’s only me and my hubby here. He don’t play much anymore but he’s around from time to time. The rest have their own place somewhere on the outskirts of the city :slight_smile:

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You could rebuild at Pig Mouth on Lamblis…
Just saying…

Thx For the offer, but ive always hated Lamblis dunno what it is but i havent been there since like 2019 Or so

Warning: NSFW! But this is my theme song :musical_note: :joy:

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I don’t know what you’re looking for, but I’m sure lots of us have an opening on our Sovereigns.
My sovereign is open to all. Tier 2, very similar to Raxxa. In orbit around Trung. Omicron Beta 3. Come take a look and see.

Such a refreshing feeling when you start fresh. :smiley: