[Naoska II] --[T7 - Savage Rift Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

Naoska II
--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
ID : 4079
Name : Naoska II
Type : Rift
Tier : T7 - Savage
Atmosphere : Lvl 7 Potent (5 levels)
Size : 3km (34 Regions)
Liquid : β–² Water | β–Ό Lava
Region : Australia
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
42 blinksecs from Malurialakrib
Warp Cost : 3400c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Details]---------------------
Appeared January 13, 2022 3:50 PM
Last until January 18, 2022 7:20 PM

Blocks Colors

: New Color to this date
: Can be obtained by Recipe/Transmutation
: Obtained on Homeworld (clickable)
: Sovereign Selectable Color
>= 0 : Exo Exclusive last occurrence in Days

∟100 Light Orange - Gleam 100 Light Orange -

∟100 Light Orange - Igneous 100 Light Orange -
∟101 Pale Sepia - Metamorphic 101 Pale Sepia -
∟227 Luminous Red - Sedimentary 227 Luminous Red - Kol Huroo

∟203 Light Turquoise - Ancient Trunk 203 Light Turquoise -
∟232 Stale Cerulean - Lustrous Trunk 232 Stale Cerulean -
∟153 Bright Turquoise - Twisted Trunk 153 Bright Turquoise -

∟204 Vivid Slate - Exotic - 204 Vivid Slate - - 29
∟156 Stark Azure - Lush - 156 Stark Azure -
∟202 Vivid Turquoise - Waxy - 202 Vivid Turquoise -

∟113 Stale Turquoise - Clay 113 Stale Turquoise -
∟59 Silk Cobalt - Peaty 59 Silk Cobalt -
∟213 Turquoise - Silty 213 Turquoise -
∟213 Turquoise - Mud 213 Turquoise -
∟203 Light Turquoise - Ash 203 Light Turquoise -
∟136 Cool Red - Gravel 136 Cool Red - Kol Huroo
∟132 Light Lilac - Sand 132 Light Lilac - - 182

∟203 Light Turquoise - Barbed - 203 Light Turquoise -
∟210 Cerulean - Gnarled - 210 Cerulean - - 29
∟213 Turquoise - Verdant - 213 Turquoise -

∟154 Bright Slate - Growth 154 Bright Slate -
∟175 Cold Berry - Ice 175 Cold Berry -
∟225 Cold Tan - Glacier 225 Cold Tan - Kol Huroo
∟58 Deep Cerulean - Mould - 58 Deep Cerulean -
∟175 Cold Berry - Sponge 175 Cold Berry - Kol Huroo
∟208 Vivid Cobalt - Tangle 208 Vivid Cobalt -
∟55 Deep Turquoise - Thorns 55 Deep Turquoise -

∟220 Vivid Lime - Cloneflower 220 Vivid Lime -
∟221 Vivid Yellow - Gladeflower 221 Vivid Yellow -
∟202 Vivid Turquoise - Ghostflower 202 Vivid Turquoise -
∟125 Violet - Spineflower 125 Violet - Cardass

∟88 Teal - Desert Sword 88 Teal -
∟90 Mint - Oortian’S Staff 90 Mint -
∟204 Vivid Slate - Rosetta Nox 204 Vivid Slate -
∟212 Slate - Spineback 212 Slate -
∟152 Stark Turquoise - Stardrop 152 Stark Turquoise - Houchus I
∟129 Vivid Blue - Traveller’S Perch 129 Vivid Blue -
∟205 Vivid Azure - Trumpet Root 205 Vivid Azure -
∟214 Vivid Teal - Twisted Aloba 214 Vivid Teal -

∟56 Deep Slate - Branch Funnel 56 Deep Slate -
∟212 Slate - Clustered Tongue 212 Slate - Cardass
∟153 Bright Turquoise - Glow Cap 153 Bright Turquoise -
∟213 Turquoise - Mottled Tar Spot 213 Turquoise -
∟202 Vivid Turquoise - Tinted-Burst 202 Vivid Turquoise -
∟211 Azure - Weeping Waxcap 211 Azure -


Initial Resources

------------[Embedded World Resources]------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Soft Coal Seam5,840,22231.42%158.43
2Coal Seam2,629,72814.15%71.34
3Large Fossil Seam1,739,9769.36%47.20
4Medium Fossil Seam1,738,3799.35%47.16
5Ancient Tech Component Seam1,673,0119.00%45.38
6Titanium Seam1,121,1816.03%30.41
7Hard Coal Seam1,088,3685.86%29.52
8Silver Seam703,0653.78%19.07
9Ancient Tech Device Seam654,2473.52%17.75
10Gold Seam649,4073.49%17.62
11Sapphire Seam319,8231.72%8.68
12Topaz Seam265,5091.43%7.20
13Rift Seam165,3120.89%4.48

--------------[Surface World Resources]--------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Basic Boulder55,88127.60%1.52
3Beanstalk Boulder15,9397.87%0.43
4Boulder Tower15,2407.53%0.41
6Tinted-Burst Fungus7,6053.76%0.21
7Tuber Plant5,7442.84%0.16
8Combustion Fraction5,0342.49%0.14
9Tapered Boulder4,9602.45%0.13
10Mottled Tar Spot Fungus4,6952.32%0.13
11Glow Cap Fungus4,6492.30%0.13
12Twisted Aloba4,2962.12%0.12
13Clustered Tongue Fungus4,2332.09%0.11
14Kindling Mass3,1351.55%0.09
15Starberry Vine2,8731.42%0.08
16Trumpet Root2,5741.27%0.07
17Branch Funnel Fungus2,1641.07%0.06
18Rosetta Nox1,3620.67%0.04
19Boulder Ring1,1720.58%0.03
20Oortian's Staff8100.40%0.02
21Traveller's Perch7390.36%0.02
22Spineback Plant6420.32%0.02
23Weeping Waxcap Fungus3400.17%0.01
24Boulder Chip990.05%0.00
25Stardrop Plant510.03%0.00



Great rift count, off I go! :smiley:

Edit, yep, Rift time! :grin:


Grass colors?

Ofc I’m updating first aid today :unamused:


I could definitely use some of that rift. :eyes:


I’ll drop you some off later when I’m on PS4! :slight_smile:

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:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I totally just messaged you on discord. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: that would be wonderful.

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Planet scanned … meh about rift…


This exo name sounds like a name for some ancient tribe, totally stealing that :stuck_out_tongue:

:thinking: I wonder what they’ve got the min/max range of lucent gems on a planet set to? Is it possible one could spawn with 10-20%?


If such a Planet would Spawn i would Mine 5 days through :joy::joy::joy:


This is why I’d LOVE to have a chance to set up an exo like a rental. :grin: I think the max would possibly be dependent on the biome setup. It seems the concentration of lucents in areas that can spawn them is pretty equal; altitude range alone seems to be what makes some spots brighter than others, particularly with Umbris. So for the biggest totals would want the best possible biome setup and some luck is my theory.

Blink is a little tricky, but for Rift and Umbris, you simply need highest max elevations possible. Of course then, there is RNG luck, and also, since there aren’t that many great high elevation ones for this (especially at lv. 6) I would try to make non-high picks ones that didn’t take up as much space (some biomes seem to get a lot more space than others) in order to maximize space for the good ones like Olympus, Grand Gorge, and Castle Mountains. The odds of one rolling by luck with what I’d see as the best possible setups would be pretty low, though I have seen a few really good ones (usually having big Olympus areas for Rift and Umbris). Big Olympus areas are probably going to be your best possible solid unbroken spots for both of those.

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Gimmeeeeee all the rift peeps haha need it for my new hub :wink: :wink:

Why just Why Mint grasssss Grrrrrr

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