NBL -Village info, Trader, Contracts, and forging

New BlackLight Citadel

  • Good day Boundless community! Rumplypigskin here AKA(Ethos) bringing you a personal update of what is happening in my little corner of the universe. My small village of New Blacklight is an absolutely amazing place for me call home and a outstanding place for me to forge ideas. I am continuously working on improving every little detail and i invite you to come by and check it out, look around and sell me stuff in my request baskets, grab a brew at the local tavern and then cross the street and pray for forgiveness to the almighty Oort. Additionally,
    at my village i offer a new shop(s), contracts for those interested, and forging services, it also serves as the US East Cuttlepunk Stargate.
    New BlackLight is not open to prospecting Settlers
    Black-Market Tavern

  • The store primary focus is forge tools, every forge you can think of I will attempt to keep on hand. As a secondary focus I will also include items that I consider in high demand when I start, however I got a mail box set up and if you have suggestions of what you want to see you are welcome to drop a comment. This store is now OPEN at New BlackLight in Biitula.
    Directions: PS Network Biitula HUB



  • Contracts have been part of Blacklight since 1.0 and many other groups/settlements have utilize such a system. I am now offering Miners, Gatherer, and Hunter contracts but only for a limited amount of players.
    1 Hunter
    1 Gatherer
    2 Miner
    PM me for details, questions and availability.


Offering forging services

If you don’t see what you want in Black-Market trader? Drop me a message with what you want and I’ll forge it for you.

-----------Forging Services pricing------
Offering forging services to anyone interested. As payment I am willing to trade items of equal value or coin.

Item cost: (insert cost here)
Boon of choice 500c per
Level beyond level 1: 350c per

Affiliated guilds members will receive a 20% discount. Simply demonstrate your affiliation to any of these guild’s for the discount.
Current Guilds affiliated
Oort Society

Thank you!


Hey idea love to come see new blacklight, I used to be cuttletrunk, and am interested in helping you with work contracts.

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New Blacklight is a very pretty build…


I will stop on by tomorrow.

I’ll PM you, Aaron.

I appreciate that. :grin:

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Thanks, it looks fantastic.

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Black-Market Trader is now open! I will stock it once a week(most likely weekends) open up your knowledge tab and see what’s available or simply come by and check it out. Directions are within OP.

Buying shims. 22c per, 25k in basket.

Still offering your contracts??? They use to be a great deal.

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Yup, but only
1 miner contract.
1 surface resources gatherer is left.

I also have NBL’s store in Iconicsberg Black-Market Traders being stocked weekly. Check it out for your every day forging needs.

Hey peeps, selling 450 Umbris in Iconicsberg Black-Market Traders! 500c per.