Need a Builder or builders

Looking for someone to do a rebuild of Meteor Meet for me if possible.

(Meeting area for hunts)

builders choice on colour scheme and so on.

2x2 portals and 2x3 portals preferably based on an EU planet
Location to be decided once i find a nice populated area/hub (anyone know a place let me know)

All materials to be used by builder, just let me know a price and time scale in the comments


what’s the overall size?


any size, any colour, any design

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ok, so how many portals minimum to fit inside?

I can take this project - always like a designing challenge :sunglasses: I like the colour/design freedom. :sunglasses:

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Any amount, whatever design you want bro
How much is this going to cost?
You can either dm me on here or discord to discuss it, I can reply a lot quicker on discord than here though :ok_hand:t3:

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I contacted you on discord - we can stick to that medium

not much - I will see how many tools I will use up and what materials (what size I go for in the end) and ask for something pretty much symbolic for my time and services I suppose… don’t expect a price in millions lol; more like a few hundred thousand coin? low end of hundreds - so I can buy some building materials or forged tools or portal fuel for my humble needs when I work on my projects :nerd_face:

Whatever its costing ill cover it!

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Now Boundmore knows this, he might be kicking himself for not setting a higher fee! :grin:

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lol yeah

to be true though I do it for the challenge and pleasure of designing and building
so I wouldnt want any extra huge fee for my time or supposed talents… :laughing:

and @HOST offered 5 millions right after anyways so it’s not like he would want to use me; he is ready to splash the cash :dollar:

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