Need a dose of dev art it's almost fatal

Yep gotta do the same thing, also same goes for my hunt storage when the Hunter and Ground Basher comes and if they have new drops


there are 7 more on the way maybe, doing the renders atm




We really should go all Impossible Mission style and bug their offices with cameras and microphones so we can see what they are up to 24/7!

Then we can make our own roadmaps! :joy:

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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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Here are the last onces :heart:

Grapples - Machine craftingstation

Lathe - Machine craftingstation

Mill - Machine craftingstation

Oven - Machine craftingstation

Shields - Machine craftingstation

Slingbows - Machine craftingstation

Tools - Machine craftingstation


They did tweet about those machines at some point or maybe it was on facebook not sure

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please make a roadmap complains topic this is the moebs and @RedY3 dev art topic lol
need keep it friendly we love devs and devart :smiley:


I think there were some sketches from very old forums posts :thinking:

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yep I found one Art: Decorative Props concept art! (Massive post!) 4/13 UPDATED


Haha yes yes yes! No sadness in this post only good stuffs.

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There’s been a buttload of threads like that already. I wrote one myself. Clearly, they don’t listen to these.

@Dulki Yeah, I saw it too, of course, but I was not asking for concept arts. I’ve been drooling over the furniture concept-arts for nearly 2 years now.
I was asking for actual game-design intentions.
For instance, from the look of the preview you made, it feels like there’s gonna be several machines dedicated to cooking, several machines dedicated to weapons-making… so are these still blocks that have to be placed by groups of 4, or are they gonna be individual stations? How will spark and power factor in.
That kind of question.

That we dont know, its like the shields they said would come, no other info other that they should come in 2020


The thing that i dont get is that we can craft most of the things in those machines (not shields but the rest) using our normal machines. So why do we need them? Further enhancements? Old machines will lose their abilities to make these items? I understand you may not know this info from the game files but just wondering. Maybe a dev can tell us! :smiley:

It is possible that the models @Dulki previewed are just visual replacement for the current machines.
Maybe each of the 4 blocks composing each machines will have a new visual in order to have them all stand out better.

But I do hope that the devs are working on something more than that.
It seems very possible that we’re not gonna have the machines in groups of 4 blocks anymore, and instead, we’d have lots of individual stations for each aspects of crafting (which, when you think about it, is how pretty much every other crafting game works…).
I would hope that spark and power would have a better looking way to be attributed to machines. The current system would simply look terrible with these new 3D models. It’s already an eye-sore IMO, and as I’ve said in a previous suggestion thread, in a way, it forces the player to design his workshop pretty much like everyone else.
I tried to have a nice looking workshop with hidden powercoils in the past.

But as time went on, I felt the need to optimize it further to have max power for each machine :

I’ve recently reworked my base to have something optimized and still nice to look at.

but I could not figure out a way to also have the individual machine blocks look nice too.
Problem is… now, it’s the exact same type of machine placement everyone does. :frowning:

Bottom-line, if the devs manage with their overall to allow us to have an optimized workshop that looks pretty and where each machine block is presented in the best way possible, good job.


if it is only one block they need reinvent the coils i thinks
might be more work then just changing model
would be cool if it is like a remote control for the machine our something our they just take out the coils and put them in a inventory inside off them
but then we loose the opportunity to make evil genius mega factorys and show off our coils




Guys and girl please get ya own topic this is for people to post pictures off cute dogs to get a little Def spoof and that’s all we do here some off us don’t wonna read your books and theories all we want is to butter up @Minyi our favorite dev for a little tease let us do that then ya can add new chapter to your books elsewhere please :grin: James made a what I don’t like thread for you guys go there


You’re right that at this point it ought to be it’s own separate topic, but please don’t direct people there as this kind of conversation is even less on-topic there. That thread is intended as a quick feedback thread and not one for an ongoing discussion (despite how people already use it sometimes) to make it easy for the team to gather feedback.

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