Need advice on progression

Miner is the best and most reliable source of xp. I did some pretty long mining runs on serpensarindi when I was getting started using normal titanium hammers, and my titanium came from besevrona using iron and gold tools. It takes awhile, but if you use a methodical approach, xp will come fast enough. As soon as you can afford (and reasonably weild) a 3x3 hammer, add some pies and brews, you be good to go.


I didn’t realize how strong forged high end hammers are. I met a guy who showed me his hammer and loot was raining all over my head. I don’t want to exaggerate, but mining with this hammer must be at least 30 times faster then with my hammer. Big uff.

Yep, mining is my favorite way to go, I don’t even bother with the rock thing, I just give those away. Levels come pretty quick, and you get so much to sell and use. Once you get your first hammer, they should pay for themselves after that.

However, I like mindless mining - just putting on some music and zoning out. For other stuff, with the buffs to some things coming, it should get easier. Gathering particularly looks to be getting a boost.


For me getting close to lvl 30 was also the moment I felt the slowness. Originally I wanted to get to 50 on my own but gave in at that point.
Bought a 3x3 hammer and some persisting pies to have it last longer. Go for something with “all adjacent” and damage + with additional durability. Costs like 7000 - 9000 for the hammer and about 1000 for 3 pies.
If you dont have enough money then collect some things to sell like plants, sap, copper. You only need to do this once.

now the best part
Take that hammer to a world with silver / gold veins. Go down to height 30, eat a persisting pie and smash your way through the rock. Relocate if you cant find gold / silver after a while.
This is feeling so good that you may get addicted to those hammers.
The best thing is by selling the gathered ores you can directly afford the next one and still have leftovers! Also get luck up if you dont have it already to let it rain even more resources :wink:

Dont give up before you have tried those. I am speaking out of experience. My hammer stockpile would approve to this :smiley:

When ready combine that with a strength or speed potion for the next kick!


I did precisely the same

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Mid-level progression is definitely the hardest point in the game. You’ve outgrown much of the tutorial but haven’t become good at much of anything.

  1. Mining is a good suggestion, I’ve seen more shops lately with options for mid-level forged tools like gold and titanium at much lower prices than diamond ones.
  2. Gathering is also useful to sell things and afford the mining tools + fulfill quests. Here is a link to a mall just for selling stuff you’ve gathered. :oort_r: Request Dimension :oort_z: Now Open! (request-basket-only-mall) There are lots of other places to sell, too.
  3. Investing in some basic protections to survive lvl 3-4 worlds lets you hunt and sell or craft for XP the creature drops.
  4. Exploring will get a buff in the next big patch so running around finding new places will be rewarded. You’ll get XP for what you’ve already explored, too. :slight_smile:
  5. Use your cubits for plots and build! Resist the temptation to spend cubits on the outfits and headgear until later on. Just build stuff for fun, try out things, build some roads and bridges, do a bunch of chiseling while having eaten teaching food for bonus XP.

These are just suggestions based on what I did, and still do. I was never really invested in being the most efficient (mass crafting rock XP for example) but I did like to have a building plan in my head then pop a teaching pie and build/chisel for 30min getting double XP.


I managed to get to level 32 after a few days. I also got about 20 titanium hammers. I don’t want to waste them so please tell me, what is the best place to use? I also crafted a lot of Tier 2 Strength Brews for myself. Should I visit a tier 6 planet now?

In my opinion, it would depend on the protections you have, the planet levels you can visit. What your skills are in the area of epic. Do you have the hammer epic and hammer mastery up to full? Your speed so you can hit the rocks faster and harder? Is your luck up so you can get good drops and in protection do you have the sneak so you won’t get attacked as soon as you are seen by a critter?

I don’t know what planets you have been visiting, so I am going blind in this area, but general, go to a level four planet, say Delta C, and if you have no trouble mining there then try a level five. You can leave the portal area, dash to the closest hill that has a lot of rocks and start to bash your way in enough to plug up the hole behind you so the critters can’t attack you from behind. Then, see how you do.

If you are slow moving, only hitting one rock at a time and taking a long time, you might want to stay with the level three planets until you can skill up more.

These are all individual perceptions. I prefer to take it slow, work my way up and have fun. I like the slow pace of advancement. Some are more aggressive, or more challenged than I am to achieve the next level faster and so are willing to push to get there. It just depends on how important it is for you to get to the next stage. I don’t like pushing and getting frustrated because I can’t go as fast as I want, can’t deal with the critters and so go I have the time. But, disabled, homebound, I do have the time that those who have lives don’t and that makes a difference in what you see as important and what I see as important.

Just remember this, it is a game and supposed to be fun, if you aren’t having fun, step back and see if you aren’t pressuring yourself to get too far too fast before you are ready.

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I collected the titanium on besevrona with iron tools. It was not very fast but okay in my opinion. I got most of my skill points in hammer and strength stuff. I will try one tier higher today.