Need building material

Need building material.

Sediment brick in the color “light mustard” ID 105
Sediment brick in color “stale tan” ID 84
Sediment brick in the color “silk turquoise” ID 245
Sediment brick in the color “dark red” ID 13
Sediment stone in the color “stale tan” ID 84
Sedimentary rock in warm yellow color ID 85

Request baskets are available in Cat Topia / Cat City. Access via TNT —> Cat Topia

Pay 10c per brick, 2c per stone and 4c per rock.


really need your help, with that.

Ill look if i have it in reclaim :wink: (at work).

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Not sure i got loads though or even brick in those colors.

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Sedi Rocks of these 2 colors are can be found from one of the permanent worlds:

Silk turquoise ID 245: Pheminorum (T2), Seginiakai (T2), Sochaltin I (T1), Storis II (T2)
Warm yellow color ID 85: Alnitans, Besevrona, Serpensarindi (T5)

Sorry got called 15min ago…. Had to dump out my bag and run to get my buss…. Work location changed… which means no wifi so laptop pointless…
Ill try to do it tomorrow morning.

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Also hours instead of 7 i got 10 today… guess i can buy me something extra again :joy::rofl::joy:

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Did you check already Foxxy’s and Naessessities?
I’m sure you checked already Sydney Supply :smile:

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I probably have plenty of the stone colors from Serpensarindi (warm yellow). Feel free to check my stone storage for those since you should have access I think :slight_smile: (Or I’ll drop some off in your storage later)

I might also have a bunch from the Sochaltin I colors (Silk turquoise) left but I’m not sure about those since my build uses them as well.

Surely Sydney supplies will have them…

brought you a few stacks of dark red bricks.

I have all the brick… and can make loads more. How much do you need?

Thank you all.

Please, but I need more.

28800 Sediment brick in the color “light mustard” ID 105
28800 Sediment brick in color “stale tan” ID 84
28800 Sediment brick in the color “dark red” ID 13

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I tried got rock but to many issues (connection)… also couldn’t find the baskets :wink:

Will work on this when I get home. :heart_eyes:

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Stale tan is looking good… rolling stones and mixing up mats now… Will go see if I can find the two other colors in sedi; or flip a sov color or two (found the Dark Red on a planet I have access to)

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Brought a bunch over but am making more. Found rock locations for all three of these colors. :slight_smile:

It’s a time consuming process, but bricks will be there as soon as I can get them done. :heartpulse:



Thank you all for your help. Now I can start practicing building once Boundless stops bullying and annoying me.