Need exo stuff for a color collection I’m starting

Three of each natural block type other than wood and rock, and one of each plant, shroom and rock formation

Haven’t had the chance to go yet

From velustrial, Presby Alfa and lunomo


Currently on Pref doing region exploring so will see what I can bring you.

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Many of the colors are the same as perm worlds so I have not been gathering much other than boulders and some plants… you want all those things even if they are duplicates of perm world colors?

Nah only stuff you can’t get from perm worlds

Hmmm… maybe I need to make some sorta script that outputs whats unique on exo’s automatically to make deciding on what to keep easier :wink:

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Definitely Would help :blush:

I already spent a few hours on other exos looking for rare stuff like ash and sponge only to learn they’re in natural colors. Lol.

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Had to stop exploring to do some actual work since I am currently … at work :sweat_smile:

But put a storage unit and gave your crafter access to it in the corner of my shop at your mall with a few colors of things I did grab while I was exploring Prefs … its a start. Will go back after work for sure.


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Ok, so after a bit of google sheets fiddling around, this is what I have come up with for the current Exo’s. I am not 100% sure on the accuracy, but I did a bunch of spot checks and it looked right. PERM being available on regular planets according to the “Colour Sheet”.

EXO means only on Exo’s but doesn’t mean “new”. If anyone sees errors in any of the data please let me know so I can figure out where I screwed up :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Additional notes… the 2 UNK items I am not sure what they are from the data files (PLANT_FIBROUS / PLANT_INKY) since there are other plants that already cover those items, so more to come on those. As with the Exo posts, just because an item / color is listed does not mean it is actually on the planet.

Edit: Special thanks to @Gorillastomp for getting me sorted earlier!

Ash Hot Cherry PERM
Gleam Dark Orange PERM
Gladeflower Deep Turquoise PERM
Cloneflower Deep Slate PERM
Spineflower Strong Viridian PERM
Ghostflower Deep Mustard EXO
UNK Hot Orange EXO
UNK2 Deep Mustard EXO
Mottled Tar Spot Fungus Strong Mustard EXO
Clustered Tongue Fungus Strong Mustard EXO
Branch Funnel Fungus Shadow Mustard EXO
Weeping Waxcap Fungus Strong Yellow EXO
Glow-Cap Fungus Orange EXO
Tinted-Burst Fungus Deep Orange PERM
Barbed Grass Hot Sepia PERM
Gnarled Grass Strong Mustard EXO
Verdant Grass Strong Cherry PERM
Gravel Silk Orange PERM
Growth Orange EXO
Natural Ice Silk Orange EXO
Glacier Hot Sepia EXO
Mould Dark Yellow PERM
Mud Dark Red PERM
Twisted Aloba Deep Fuchsia PERM
Spineback Plant Dark Turquoise EXO
Oortian’s Staff Dark Cerulean EXO
Rosetta Nox Deep Yellow PERM
Stardrop Plant Warm Orange EXO
Desert Sword Dark Turquoise PERM
Igneous Rock Dark Orange PERM
Metamorphic Rock Dark Mustard EXO
Sedimentary Rock Hot Orange PERM
Sand Silk Orange PERM
Clay Soil Dark Orange PERM
Peaty Soil Shadow Mustard EXO
Silty Soil Strong Cherry EXO
Sponge Dark Orange EXO
Tangle Hot Sepia EXO
Thorns Shadow Orange EXO
Ancient Wood Hot Sepia PERM
Exotic Foliage Hot Sepia EXO
Lush Foliage Hot Tan EXO
Lustrous Wood Dark Mustard PERM
Twisted Wood Warm Red PERM
Waxy Foliage Hot Cherry EXO
Ash Silk Cobalt EXO
Gleam Dark Mustard EXO
Gladeflower Silk Teal PERM
Cloneflower Silk Teal PERM
Spineflower Strong Green EXO
Ghostflower Hot Magenta EXO
UNK Hot Magenta EXO
UNK2 Hot Magenta EXO
Mottled Tar Spot Fungus Strong Azure EXO
Clustered Tongue Fungus Dark Lilac EXO
Branch Funnel Fungus Night Azure EXO
Weeping Waxcap Fungus Dark Lilac PERM
Glow-Cap Fungus Slate EXO
Tinted-Burst Fungus Silk Cobalt EXO
Barbed Grass Silk Berry PERM
Gnarled Grass Strong Magenta EXO
Verdant Grass Dark Lilac PERM
Gravel Silk Mustard PERM
Growth Warm Violet EXO
Natural Ice Pale Moss EXO
Glacier Light Viridian PERM
Mould Dark Lilac EXO
Mud Dark Blue EXO
Twisted Aloba Hot Magenta PERM
Spineback Plant Shadow Turquoise EXO
Oortian’s Staff Strong Lavender EXO
Rosetta Nox Hot Magenta EXO
Stardrop Plant Stale Cerulean EXO
Desert Sword Shadow Cerulean EXO
Igneous Rock Silk Mustard PERM
Metamorphic Rock Dark Turquoise PERM
Sedimentary Rock Warm Mustard EXO
Sand Strong Mustard PERM
Clay Soil Dark Berry EXO
Peaty Soil Night Lilac EXO
Silty Soil Dark Blue EXO
Sponge Stale Moss EXO
Tangle Silk Magenta EXO
Thorns Shadow Cerulean EXO
Ancient Wood Silk Cerulean EXO
Exotic Foliage Stale Lilac EXO
Lush Foliage Warm Violet EXO
Lustrous Wood Dark Cobalt EXO
Twisted Wood Light Azure EXO
Waxy Foliage Warm Blue EXO
Ash Dark Mustard EXO
Gleam Stale Cerulean PERM
Gladeflower Silk Cobalt EXO
Cloneflower Strong Lavender EXO
Spineflower Strong Slate EXO
Ghostflower Silk Teal EXO
UNK Dark Yellow EXO
UNK2 Strong Green EXO
Mottled Tar Spot Fungus Dark Yellow EXO
Clustered Tongue Fungus Dark Green EXO
Branch Funnel Fungus Night Green EXO
Weeping Waxcap Fungus Dark Turquoise EXO
Glow-Cap Fungus Hot Tan EXO
Tinted-Burst Fungus Hot Tan EXO
Barbed Grass Dark Green EXO
Gnarled Grass Dark Turquoise EXO
Verdant Grass Dark Yellow PERM
Gravel Oxide Azure PERM
Growth Warm Yellow EXO
Natural Ice Ashen Berry EXO
Glacier Pale Lilac EXO
Mould Night Green EXO
Mud Shadow Mustard EXO
Twisted Aloba Strong Mustard EXO
Spineback Plant Stale Turquoise EXO
Oortian’s Staff Stale Moss EXO
Rosetta Nox Strong Turquoise EXO
Stardrop Plant Stale Moss EXO
Desert Sword Stale Turquoise PERM
Igneous Rock Silk Cerulean PERM
Metamorphic Rock Dark Cobalt PERM
Sedimentary Rock Stale Cerulean PERM
Sand Pale Sepia PERM
Clay Soil Night Green EXO
Peaty Soil Night Green PERM
Silty Soil Dark Mustard EXO
Sponge Ashen Blue PERM
Tangle Dark Green EXO
Thorns Night Green EXO
Ancient Wood Dark Mustard EXO
Exotic Foliage Silk Mint EXO
Lush Foliage Silk Teal EXO
Lustrous Wood Dark Rose PERM
Twisted Wood Warm Mustard EXO
Waxy Foliage Silk Yellow EXO