New atlas is inaccurate!

Hello, if you get a chance could you add a screenshot of an Atlas showing resources where you feel the highlighted areas are ‘washed out’ - not entirely sure what you mean by that but I’d be interested to see an example. Thanks

I’d be interested to see a screenshot of big patches where they used to be scattered dots - or let me know the resource and world. Thanks


  1. If I went to a planet that I had discovered a few regions on and held up a new blank atlas would that atlas then be accurate for that moment in time with regards to heat maps and if I went back just over 24 hours later it would then update?

  2. If I went to a planet that I had discovered a few regions on and held up a new blank atlas would that atlas then be accurate for that moment in time with regards to heat maps and if an hour or few later I then threw that atlas away and used a new one will that new one be accurate from that moment in time or will it still have the data from the previous atlas with regards to heat maps?

Thank you @kernal for answering, it’s something I’ve been trying to find out for a while now, I initially asked in a different thread I created (question worded in a different way though) hopefully @lucadeltodecso will be able to shed some light on this.

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There may be something to this. I went mining for diamonds yesterday on alcyon. Found. A big bright spot in atlas. No tunnels anywhere but in the middle of the spot was a lava lake altitude 0 to like 40. And it was a good sized lake but the atlas showed that the lake was hot for titanium and diamonds :face_with_monocle:… didn’t try swimming and mining in the lava but I figured it was best not to.

You can see the difference in the post I made yesterday.

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@kernal it was on Shedu Tier, emerald heat map

Yes the detail that is now lost because of what looks to be a bloom effect of the color has made it less accurate and finding resources correctly.
There has been been testing done based on what we used to see out of the old model vs the current one.
We are unable to accurately know where to mine its back to mining in the dark=p

Just opened up Serp and you will see that it all looks like a mega hot spot. This we all know is a lie!


so far my experience with the altas since its update in working condition on ps4 is that the region eith the brightest patch is the most dug up area…
go to a dul colored one…
i find i get the most resourses out of this dull area when i…
bring mutilple items to search for example… titanium, gold, ruby, diamond…
and load one at a time in the atlas and make sure the heat maps for these example items overlap…
I then make sure to search these over lapping area from altitude 5 to 40 ish… for best results of example items…
walk for quite awhile before you decide to dig…
make sure your in an area you can see from your compass that there are no settlements within trigger distance… distance from object that trigger on compass…
i average around 50 of both gems 250 titantium and double that in gold silver copper and iron… in around 2 hours hard core mining…

i agree it seems like the atlas is broken. well not broken to be correct but more like a 2015 gps map to be used in 2018. Missing current and relevant information. Instead of nerfing quality of life dev’s how about giving us a setting so we can choose how often we want our Atlas’s information updated.

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Just so we are clear, the atlas’ are not dependable anymore as far as resources are concerned. A way to show this so that everyone can see it clearly is to go to a planet with that planets atlas and a resource found there. Put the item in and then look for resources. Dont look for the highlighted resources but instead just look around in areas were they are usually found and you will come across them even when they are not highlighted on the atlas at all.

In short, resources are appearing on the planets but the atlas is not highlighting them. This is even after a new atlas and resources are made and used after the update.

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Devs, revert Atlas change!!!

Here is an example of the issues I am running into.

The resources are not showing up on the atlas, and where they are highlighted they are not there. The latter could be due to someone else farming it but since the first issue shows there is a problem it makes me have to wonder if the second is also broken.

As you can see in the picture, I have a Glow Shroom in my Atlas so I can highlight them on the map. Yet a Glow Shroom is sitting there on the ground and not showing up on the atlas.

Your post directly contradicts James. Are you wrong or is James wrong?

If James is wrong what is the exact time that everyone’s atlas updates at?

Yes it looks like my understanding was incorrect. Go with what James said. I’m deleting my post as it’s misleading.

The only atlas changes have been purely about rendering/colours, nothing underneath has changed.

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Okay, then your rendering is broken? Or its now overzealous, idk. Whatever you changed, undo it. We could tell more easily which areas were dense with gems before, now we can’t tell!

Alternatively, make the color scale better with gem density so we can actually tell which places are good

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Agreed please revert it back. What you hoped would help the player base made it even worse. Not only is the regan bade on serp because the system in place is not working well. But now with the Atlas issues the fun value in mining is well not fun anymore from my view.
If anyone else enjoys mining in the dark and dealing with large mined areas with no detail on where to go since the hot spot is not hot,well you are a very patient person!!!

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i agree that at spots where the population of the ressources are more dense, the atlas is a bit smeared out and u have to search for final location of the veins more. I also had some occasions where i didnt expect to find gems according to the atlas (when i was on darker spots), i found several times gem veins. First i thought the atlas is a bit shifted. But it “feels” (sry no data) for me that the new atlas averages deposits over greater/more chunks (thats where the smearing comes from?) or has a bit more problems with bigger deposits

On the other hand was the atlas anyway more an indicator and especially not reliable, if the area has been changed either by players or by regeneration recently.
But I dont have much differing mining results compared to before the update. I didnt test it much on surface gathering.

But to many who complained here about the atlas changes: problems where the atlas was not updated after a change (regeneration or other players) were the same before the update. Dont see atlas as “locations where ressources are” but as “locations where ressources grow, if they are not yet harvested”

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yes but at the end of the day the devs are trying to improve it so they say. Nothing that was done improved it unless you as a person had issues just seeing colors…