New Decorative Items and Decorative Epic Skill

I’m personally trying to sell doors and decorative blocks, but they aren’t selling very well and thats at a low price range that I can still afford to still profit off them.

I suspect one of the reasons for this is that one doesnt have to spec into a decorative epic skill, and only need to spend 3 skill points which gives you the capability to build every type of decorative blocks.

Ofc, it could be that some people just don’t care about decorative blocks, or simply just dont like the look of them - but certainly have more to build and higher variety of patterns would hopefully boost sales in one way or another.


Selling building materials and decor is always a bit slow. Might be dead for days and suddenly someone comes in and buys tons for their build.

I sure buy things every now and then. Bought some doors and lanterns as well as gleam to use in my base. Be patient and name sure people know about your shop. Meantime make sure you sell other stuff. I find iron tools and gleam great income providers. They go like icecream on a hot day.


I agree with @boundmore, building materials tend to sell slowly, until suddenly someone wants hundreds or thousands of a specific material and buys out all of your stock. About the only ‘decorative’ a shop can really sell reliably is compacted clay… which is only usable by other people who are using it to make their own bricks in the exact color they want.

I would really like a mail system in-game so one could put up a sign in their shop indicating pricing to build certain materials on-demand. That would let you stock raw materials, but still sell manufactured decorative materials without maintaining huge inventories on the shelves.

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Yeah tools sells extremely well.
To be fair, I might have to increase my supply on my decorative blocks.

I do feel like im selling my decorative blocks for a tad too low atleast compared to the amount of effort put into actually crafting them.

i actually love the deco doors!,i use the stylish one at mo on my home in the mountain

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I built ornate ones, which are the only ones im selling atm, they’ve sold actually, sometimes a lot at the same time, but its been sitting still for like a week now lol.

I should make more doors to be fair, ive just got so much of everything to do atm so havent had the time to really expand much on it, which could be one of my problems as well I suppose.

Another thing to consider is all the colors that exist for each block type now, If I’ve started my build using silk cerulean meta and you’re selling stale cerulean, cool cerulean, oxide cerulean and dark cerulean igneous I won’t buy a thing, because it will look slightly different and noticeable.

Stuff like doors are pretty limited in use too, I’ll need a handful of doors at best.

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I just don’t think there is a huge market for doors.

You have what: two/four door units on a house? Most shops are open floor plans so they don’t use them at all.

Plus gleam doesn’t have a ton of uses aside from doors, refined or lantern. I just don’t see a huge demand for doors due to them not have a major quantity use

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They’re hella expensive to make as well - atleast the ornate ones, which kind of sucks, will be selling them even so though.

Maybe do them on spec? With so many colors, it can be hard to know what someone will want. Also show that they can be more than doors. I have used the gleam doors for window, screens, and fences. Maybe use them in these ways around your shop to show what all they can be used for. Just doors is limited. Windows, doors, fences, and screens expands the uses.

Edit: I do have pics of this I can share with you if at all interested. I did steal the fence idea from Mobius, it was not my original thought.


Great suggestion. Definitely use your shop design to sell your items and not just the plinths.

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I am def doing this as well - The decorative shop I got going to all sorts of patterns in different places, now I know what I can use the house ontop of the shop for, with showing it with windows and fences etc… not a bad idea


My first house in the new world have window shutters made of wood doors. I used them as railings and fences around my other house in Ashenvale. My main base has a statue fenced with doors as well.
Also nice access doors for built-in spark generators and power coils.
So many uses indeed.

How do I get there? I’m low level and always looking for good prices.

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You can get there if you head to the PS hub on Biitula and find the portal to the Tree of Dreams - There’s not a lot of stuff atm to buy though, still working on upping my supply plus making a proper place to actually buy it at so.

But you would be welcome to take a look, supply and variety will increase over time ofc.

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