New idea -- music skill path

So you’re saying you’d want this music on a different volume track than the normal game music? So you could just be no-music out in the wild, and then when you enter a city you get the whatever music they have playing then?

Also, that gives me an idea for another buff, road beacons could have music playing that makes you move a lot faster!


Music doesn’t have to be attached to some kind of character buff. Just let it be something you experience when you’re going into a settlement or area of a beacon. It doesn’t need to be loaded up with complexity. Just make it simple and it will work.

My only concern in the moment is that I love the Boundless music track and sometimes how it feels when I am playing. I might be bothered to walk around and have music or noises hitting me from left and right (for buffs or other reasons). It would feel like a city and noisy and remove the possible great simple lovely feel I have currently.

So maybe an option to allow people to hear things or not or at least control the volume is needed. I don’t want to lose what we have but am still open to how the new music idea integrates in.

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portable music player is solution

Yeah, that sounds off-putting to me too. My instinct would be to have the game chose the dominant source and then fade in and out if you’re transitioning. Then you could solve for a lot of stuff by have all the music options follow the same base meter so they go together better.

I remember when everyone anywhere could hear the “bonk” noise when anyone tried to chisel or hit something they didn’t have perms for. It was hell. As long as I can toggle the SFX off for this I think a lot of people would like it.

Bummer, I hear what you guys are saying and understand your points.

I was remembering back to the days I played starwars galaxy in the early 2000s and remembered they had music skill career track and thought that would be cool for this game too with some twists.

But I dont want it to annoy people, I just meant it as a fun alternative gameplay.

No it’s a cool idea for sure. It could be simple in combat too. Similar to Monster Hunter World where a Horn user can trigger buffs with the chargeup of a single chord, and different/upgraded buffs with a series of 2 or 3

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Yeah I think it’s just that some people will want to mute the music, which I think is fine! Those of us that like it could totally keep it on blast!

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Easy answer is to just edit your suggestion and say that you want it as an option or that there is a slider that will deicide how loud the music is.

I think most people WANT this idea and we just want to have some control on hearing it.

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Give us spoony bards! Bard is by far my favorite class in many games. Ff online, monster hunter…


Lael. I wanna play mandolin while people are fighting


Blast powerful music notes at cuttletrunks, and use oortguitar as melee
Oortguitar produces nearby shock waves on impact to nearby enemies, and it also promises a rockin’ time

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I think they should try to copy monster hunter to the extent possible. Maybe you could hold a stack of 9 instruments and have 3 buffs going at all times

We all have pushed and begged for some music skill and music path where people could create their own music… have a guitar and play it in your beacon, etc. (with option to silence for anyone that wants to)…

Here is something that was released in a game and I’d love a new tool like this in Boundless.


shows up for hunt

“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late…”

pulls out piccolo